بنچمارک gRPC در زبان های مختلف
200, OK
https://github.com/LesnyRumcajs/grpc_bench/discussions/354 icon

One repo to finally have a clear, objective gRPC benchmark with code for everyone to verify and improve.

OS: Fedora release 38 (Thirty Eight) x86_64

Host: Z790 UD AX

Kernel: 6.3.6-200.fc38.x86_64

CPU: 13th Gen Intel i9-13900KF (32) @ 5.500GHz

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090

Memory: 64119MiB 

 | java_vertx_grpc             |  201739 |        4.93 ms |        5.57 ms |        6.60 ms |       10.70 ms |   96.63% |     109.0 MiB |
| dotnet_grpc                 |  189382 |        4.97 ms |        5.74 ms |        6.58 ms |       50.39 ms |   99.59% |    239.78 MiB |
| rust_thruster_st            |  189079 |        5.26 ms |        5.70 ms |        5.97 ms |        6.76 ms |   94.39% |     17.51 MiB |
| rust_thruster_mt            |  186403 |        5.34 ms |        2.33 ms |        2.75 ms |      137.25 ms |   93.78% |     19.33 MiB |
| rust_tonic_st               |  181329 |        5.49 ms |        5.96 ms |        6.21 ms |        6.59 ms |   94.35% |     18.31 MiB |
| rust_grpcio                 |  177021 |        5.63 ms |        6.27 ms |        6.48 ms |        7.01 ms |   77.65% |    229.43 MiB |
| cpp_grpc_mt                 |  175054 |        5.69 ms |        6.59 ms |        6.88 ms |        7.52 ms |   76.31% |     20.13 MiB |
| cpp_grpc_st                 |  174633 |        5.70 ms |        6.45 ms |        6.69 ms |        7.30 ms |   76.07% |      9.99 MiB |
| cpp_asio_grpc               |  170664 |        5.84 ms |        6.65 ms |        6.94 ms |        7.55 ms |   77.04% |     20.75 MiB |
| rust_tonic_mt               |  161976 |        6.15 ms |        2.65 ms |        2.92 ms |      175.00 ms |   88.21% |     21.83 MiB |   
بنچمارک gRPC در زبان های مختلف
فشرده سازی تصاویر تا 20 درصد سریعتر توسط QOI
200, OK
https://github.com/phoboslab/qoi icon

Introducing QOI — the Quite OK Image format. It losslessly compresses RGB and RGBA images to a similar size of PNG, while offering a 20x-50x speedup in compression and 3x-4x speedup in decompression. All single-threaded, no SIMD. It's also stupidly simple.

Compared to stb_image and stb_image_write QOI offers 20x-50x faster encoding, 3x-4x faster decoding and 20% better compression. It's also stupidly simple and fits in about 300 lines of C.

benchmark results here 

فشرده سازی تصاویر تا 20 درصد سریعتر توسط QOI
مقایسه سرعت اجرای «سی شارپ (دات نت کُر)» و «پایتون» بر اساس نتایج بنچمارک
307, RedirectKeepVerb
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6684742485794705408/ icon
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مقایسه سرعت اجرای «سی شارپ (دات نت کُر)» و «پایتون» بر اساس نتایج بنچمارک