7 نکته مهم در برنامه نویسی Async در سی شارپ
200, OK
https://medium.com/@ryan-hurley/seven-tips-for-writing-asynchronous-code-in-c-ed42a75a1008 icon

With the rise of multi-core processors and multi-threading, Asynchronous Programming has become an essential tool for building efficient and responsive C# applications. Fortunately, C# provides a rich library for making Asynchronous calls. However, this complex and advanced topic can be challenging for many developers. 

7 نکته مهم در برنامه نویسی Async در سی شارپ
نحوه استفاده از تزریق وابستگی ها در ActionFilter ها در دات نت کور
301, MovedPermanently
https://stackoverflow.com:443/questions/52724974/how-can-i-use-dependency-injection-in-a-net-core-actionfilterattribute/52725094#52725094 icon
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
    var svc = filterContext.HttpContext.RequestServices;
    var memCache = svc.GetService<IMemoryCache>();
نحوه استفاده از تزریق وابستگی ها در ActionFilter ها در دات نت کور