WebWindow؛ جایگزین الکترون برای برنامه‌های NET Core.
200, OK
https://blog.stevensanderson.com/2019/11/18/2019-11-18-webwindow-a-cross-platform-webview-for-dotnet-core/ icon

My last post investigated ways to build a .NET Core desktop/console app with a web-rendered UI without bringing in the full weight of Electron. This seems to have interested a lot of people, so I decided to upgrade it to newer technologies and add cross-platform support.

The result is a little NuGet package called WebWindow that you can add to any .NET Core console app. It can open a native OS window (Windows/Mac/Linux) containing web-based UI, without your app having to bundle either Node or Chromium. 

WebWindow؛ جایگزین الکترون برای برنامه‌های NET Core.
کدامیک از وابستگی‌های برنامه‌های NET Core. شما اضافی است؟
200, OK
https://github.com/spectresystems/snitch icon
> snitch Foo.csproj --tfm net462

Building Foo (net462)...
Building Bar (netstandard2.0)...
Building Baz (netstandard2.0)...

The following packages can be removed:

   Autofac (ref by Baz)
   Newtonsoft.Json (ref by Bar)

The following packages might be removed:

   Castle.Core (ref by Baz)
      4.4.0 <- 4.3.1 (Baz)
کدامیک از وابستگی‌های برنامه‌های NET Core. شما اضافی است؟