NetVips 1.0 کتابخانه‌ای برای کار با تصاویر مخصوص Mono/.NET
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NetVips is a wrapper for the libvips image processing library. It's a bit like Magick.NET, but typically 8x faster. It's API-stable, supports around 300 image-processing operations, and a good range of image formats is supported.

NuGet package:

There's a benchmark here:

Formatted docs, including a tutorial and full API:

Blog post:

NetVips 1.0 کتابخانه‌ای برای کار با تصاویر مخصوص Mono/.NET
جنریک چگونه به دات نت اضافه شد ؟
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Before we dive into the technical details, let’s start with a quick history lesson, courtesy of Don Syme who worked on adding generics to .NET and then went on to design and implement F#, which is a pretty impressive set of achievements!!

Background and History

جنریک چگونه به دات نت اضافه شد ؟
یک خلاصه سریع از امکانات جدیدی که در ASP.NET Core 2.1 وجود دارند
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Quick summary of what’s new in ASP.NET Core 2.1
 Now it’s time to look into things in more detail and with a little explanation to understand things better. Therefore, in this post, find a short and quick summary of what’s new in ASP.NET Core 2.1.

یک خلاصه سریع از امکانات جدیدی که در ASP.NET Core 2.1 وجود دارند
Reflector 10 منتشر شد
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What's new in this release?

  • Full C#7.0 support
  • .NET Core support

For more information, please see the release notes.

Upgrading to .NET Reflector 10
.NET Reflector 10 is a major upgrade from .NET Reflector 9. If your current license includes a valid support and upgrades package for .NET Reflector 10, the same license serial number will automatically activate .NET Reflector 10.

If your v9.x license does not include support and upgrades, Reflector will upgrade to a 14-day trial of v10.0. 

Reflector 10 منتشر شد
استفاده از NET. در نرم افزارهای سازمانی صنایع هوایی
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Tesla and SpaceX 

Elon Musk holds the conviction that technology should help business to move faster and that Microsoft products are designed with this idea in mind. This is is probably why both his famous enterprises use Microsoft Web Platform for enterprise software development.

استفاده از  NET. در نرم افزارهای سازمانی صنایع هوایی