هنوز هم مطالعه‌ی محتوای نوشتاری در بین توسعه‌دهند‌ه‌ها، نسبت به سایر روش‌های آموزشی، مرسوم‌تر است
200, OK
https://stackoverflow.blog/2024/07/24/developers-want-more-more-more-the-2024-results-from-stack-overflow-s-annual-developer-survey/ icon

Developers who are new to coding or still learning can take a tip from those who know: if they aren’t using Stack Overflow, 84% of developers are using technical documentation to learn. Of those using technical documentation, 90% use the documentation found in API and SDK packages.

هنوز هم مطالعه‌ی محتوای نوشتاری در بین توسعه‌دهند‌ه‌ها، نسبت به سایر روش‌های آموزشی، مرسوم‌تر است
Workrave؛ برنامه‌ای جهت یادآوری نیاز به کمی استراحت!
200, OK
https://workrave.org/ icon

Take a break and relax

Workrave is a free program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). It monitors your keyboard and mouse usage and using this information, it frequently alerts you to take microbreaks, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily computer usage. 

Workrave؛ برنامه‌ای جهت یادآوری نیاز به کمی استراحت!
تجریبات بازنشستگی یک برنامه‌نویس Apple
200, OK
https://www.engineersneedart.com/blog/samestop/samestop.html icon

I retired a year and a half ago after having worked for twenty-six years as a programmer for Apple. I’m not sure which would have been more surprising: if I had continued programming in my spare time after I had retired or if I never programmed again. 

تجریبات بازنشستگی یک برنامه‌نویس Apple
برنامه نویس 40 ساله
200, OK
https://codefol.io/posts/the-forty-year-programmer/ icon

I think you might want to be a software developer for a long time, in the same way that some people are musicians for a long time, or artists for a long time, or roofers for a long time. If not, you can hit “back” in your browser. It’s cool, no harm no foul. But I think maybe you would like to be a twenty-year programmer, or forty-year, or more. 

برنامه نویس 40 ساله
به نظر اکثر فعالان حوزه‌ی دات نت «خود آموخته» هستند
302, Found
https://twitter.com/julielerman/status/1432494350164971522 icon
Hello friends! It’s time again to raise your hand if your career in software was not preceded with a comp sci degree! I’ll go first: BA in history . Bonus points (and so much respect) if you did this without the benefit of a college degree! 
به نظر اکثر فعالان حوزه‌ی دات نت «خود آموخته» هستند