نمونه مثالی از ASP.NET Core و Entity Framework Core به همراه معماری DDD و CQRS و Event Sourcing
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https://github.com/EduardoPires/EquinoxProject icon

Full ASP.NET Core 2.2 application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing  

Technologies implemented:

  • ASP.NET Core 2.2 (with .NET Core 2.2)
  • ASP.NET MVC Core
  • ASP.NET WebApi Core
  • ASP.NET Identity Core
  • Entity Framework Core 2.2
  • .NET Core Native DI
  • AutoMapper
  • FluentValidator
  • MediatR
  • Swagger UI 


  • Full architecture with responsibility separation concerns, SOLID and Clean Code
  • Domain Driven Design (Layers and Domain Model Pattern)
  • Domain Events
  • Domain Notification
  • CQRS (Imediate Consistency)
  • Event Sourcing
  • Unit of Work
  • Repository and Generic Repository 

نمونه مثالی از ASP.NET Core و Entity Framework Core به همراه معماری DDD و CQRS و Event Sourcing
مقایسه‌ای کوتاه بین ABP Framework و DNTFrameworkCore
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https://medium.com/@rabbal/dntframeworkcore-vs-abp-framework-b48f5b7f8a24 icon

In this post, I want to compare “DNTFrameworkCore” with “ABP Framework”.

ABP is one of most popular and well documented frameworks with high level abstraction that I learned a lot from it. It has many other features that I don’t list them in this post, because, DNTFrameworkCore has not them actually. Behind of ABP, there is a team. It has 123 contributors in GitHub. Also, all of features have related unit-tests.

In other side, DNTFrameworkCore is lightweight with low level abstraction. It is personal open-source project without any contributor and has unit-tests for small part. 

I wrote this post to prove that thinking behind of DNTFrameworkCore completely different from ABP (at least in most sections)  

مقایسه‌ای کوتاه بین ABP Framework و DNTFrameworkCore
سری ساخت یک Angular Dashboard با NET Core.
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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3_YUnRN3Uhh5vywsT75JbQsB8eBpwm1y icon

.NET Core + Angular Dashboard

Topics Covered:
- Building a dashboard application in Angular
- Building a Web API in .NET Core 2.0
- Using Chart.js to build stunning charts of different types
- Making HTTP requests using Angular to query a Web API
- Using Postman to send requests
- Working with Observables
- Using Input and Output decorators in Angular
- Using PostgreSQL and pgAdmin
- Automatically seeding a database with large amounts of sample data
- Styling an application using custom CSS and Bootstrap 4
- Using Map, Filter, and Reduce in Javascript
- Creating Routes in Angular
- Get, Put, Post, Patch Web API Controller Action request types
- Configuring your API for CORS

سری ساخت یک Angular Dashboard با NET Core.
سری ساخت یک forum با ASP.NET Core 2.0
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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3_YUnRN3Uhiz2HomrXKcaEW6b3pDhKTX icon

Full Stack ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC Forum Build

Topics Covered:
- Setting up a new ASP .NET Core 2.0 MVC web application with Identity user authentication in Visual Studio
- Separating Web, Services, and Data Access Layers in our solution
- Setting up tests with NUnit and .NET Core virtual in-memory database
- Debugging / Fixing bugs
- Implementing the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern
- Dependency Injection of Services into our Controllers
- Using input forms to pass data from our Views to our Controllers
- Azure file storage for Profile Image uploads
- Azure SQL database hosting
- SQL Database seeding for starting the application with a super-user
- Code-first database migrations
- Writing SQL queries to inspect data in our database
- Deploying the application to Azure.

سری ساخت یک forum با ASP.NET Core 2.0
API نویسی اصولی و حرفه ای در ASP.NET Core
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https://github.com/dotnetzoom/AspNetCore-WebApi-Course icon

Professional REST API design with ASP.NET Core and WebAPI

This project is an example of lightweight and extensible infrastructure for building RESTful Web API with ASP.NET Core.

This example contains a number of tricks and techniques which I've learned while building APIs in ASP.NET Core.

Techniques and Features

  •  JWT Authentication
  • Secure JWT using Encryption (JWE)
  • Logging to File, Console and Database using Elmah & NLog
  • Logging to sentry.io (Log Management System)
  • Exception Handling using Custom Middleware
  • Automatic Validation
  • Standard API Resulting
  • Dependency Injection using Autofac
  • Map resources using AutoMapper
  • Async/Await Best Practices
  • Versioning Management
  • Using Swagger (Swashbuckle)
  • Auto Document Generator for Swagger
  • Integrate Swagger and Versioning
  • Integrate Swagger and JWT/OAuth Authentication
  • Best Practices for Performance and Security 
API نویسی اصولی و حرفه ای در ASP.NET Core