50 نکته برای توسعه‌ی بهتر برنامه‌های مبتنی بر Angular
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https://developer.mescius.com/blogs/the-top-50-tips-for-better-angular-development icon

The Top 50 Tips for Better Angular Development

This article dives into essential tips and best practices that will help you enhance your Angular development skills. Whether you're a seasoned Angular developer or a beginner, these insights will help optimize your applications, improve code quality, and leverage Angular’s features effectively.

50 نکته برای توسعه‌ی بهتر برنامه‌های مبتنی بر Angular
دوره کار با Angular 16 توسط Web API و Entity Framework Core
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNVbiIsoEUw icon

Angular 16 CRUD with .NET 7 Web API using Entity Framework Core - Full Course

📑 Contents:
00:00:00 Video Introduction
00:00:40 Angular and ASP.NET Core Udemy Course Demo
00:03:07 Prerequisites
00:03:37 Setting Up Development Environment
00:15:37 Create ASP.NET Core Web API
00:20:07 Understanding Files and Folder Structure
00:25:37 Understanding REST and HTTP Verbs
00:30:10 Create .NET 6 Web API
00:32:41 Our Project and Domain Models
00:41:16 Installing Nuget Packages For Entity Framework Core
00:43:06 DbContext
00:59:26 Running EF Core Migrations
01:03:26 Create Controllers and Actions
01:23:46 Repository Pattern
01:36:46 Create New Angular Application using Angular CLI
01:50:09 Angular Components
02:13:29 CRUD in Angular and ASP.NET Core Web APIs
02:17:21 Angular Forms
02:26:59 Angular Services
02:38:09 CORS
02:42:09 Unsubscribing

دوره کار با Angular 16 توسط Web API و Entity Framework Core
پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API و Angular
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXYLTTPM5x4 icon

Learn FULL STACK Web Development in 2 HOURS! ASP.NET & Angular

00:00:00 Welcome to our 2 hour FULL STACK Course!
00:01:12 What you will learn during the next 2 hours
00:03:29 Day 1 Multi-Page and Single-Page Applications, TypeScript, and Angular Components
00:21:57 Day 2 One-Way Binding and Event Binding in Angular
00:34:23 Day 3 Our Flight Booking Portal and routing in Angular
00:44:52 Day 4 The 'Search Flight' page, Design a HTML page, install Font Awesome using Node, and TypeScript interfaces
01:27:00 Day 5 ASP.NET Core REST API, SWAGGER for documenting and testing our API
01:55:51 Thanks for watching!

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API و Angular