استفاده از فایل‌های JSON بجای XML برای بومی سازی برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core
301, MovedPermanently
https://github.com/MarkPflug/Elemental.JsonResource icon


Json Resource file support in C# projects.

This provides an alternative to using resx files to defined resources in C# projects. The benefits over resx are:

  • human readable file format (try writing resx xml from scratch without documentation)
  • generated C# code doesn't get included in project/source control
  • Doesn't require modifying the .csproj (adding a single resx file will add ~12 lines to your csproj file)
  • Doesn't require Visual Studio to function. (resx files don't work in VS Code for example) 
استفاده از فایل‌های JSON بجای XML برای بومی سازی برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core
ایمن‌کردن Web Applications با استفاده از ASP.NET Core 2.0
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoseLEA3scI icon

Building secure web apps is challenging, but ASP.NET Core 2.0 makes it easier. In this session, learn some key web security concepts, and then dive into the nuts and bolts of applying these concepts in a modern application

ایمن‌کردن Web Applications با استفاده از ASP.NET Core 2.0
چهارچوبی برای توسعه نرم افزارهای تحت وب چند مستاجری با ASP.NET Core و EF Core
302, Found
https://www.finbuckle.com/Blog/8/introduction-finbuckle-multitenant icon


Finbuckle.MultiTenant is an open source framework for multitenant support in ASP.NET Core 2.0+ applications. Check out the GitHub repository for source code and samples or to provide feedback and suggestions. 

چهارچوبی برای توسعه نرم افزارهای تحت وب چند مستاجری با ASP.NET Core و EF Core
به کار بردن متدهای GET و POST چندگانه در ASP.NET Core Web API
302, Found
http://binaryintellect.net/articles/9db02aa1-c193-421e-94d0-926e440ed297.aspx icon

In ASP.NET Core MVC and Web API are parts of the same unified framework. That is why an MVC controller and a Web API controller both inherit from Controller base class. Usually a Web API controller has maximum of five actions - Get(), Get(id), Post(), Put(), and Delete(). However, if required you can have additional actions in the Web API controller. This article shows how.

Let's say you have a Web API controller named CustomerController with the following skeleton code. 

به کار بردن متدهای GET و POST چندگانه در ASP.NET Core Web API