بررسی روش ساخت برنامه‌های چندمستاجری در ASP.NET Core
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sz49Qwjao8 icon

Jon P. Smith, author of Entity Framework Core in Action, explains what a multi-tenant app is and then digs into the things you need to do to make a multi-tenant app using ASP.NET Core with EF Core.

00:00 Countdown
02:19 Introduction and Community Links
18:25 What are multi-tenant web applications?
21:14 Single level multi-tenant demo
29:00 Partitioning tenants with EF Core QueryFilter
38:00 Admin features: creating users and tenants
43:00 Q&A
43:00 Hierarchical multi-tenant
59:00 How to get started
1:06:30 Database sharding and connection string management
1:16:30 Scaling with Azure SQL Elastic Pools
1:19:00 Conclusion

بررسی روش ساخت برنامه‌های چندمستاجری در ASP.NET Core
چهارچوبی برای توسعه نرم افزارهای تحت وب چند مستاجری با ASP.NET Core و EF Core
302, Found
https://www.finbuckle.com/Blog/8/introduction-finbuckle-multitenant icon


Finbuckle.MultiTenant is an open source framework for multitenant support in ASP.NET Core 2.0+ applications. Check out the GitHub repository for source code and samples or to provide feedback and suggestions. 

چهارچوبی برای توسعه نرم افزارهای تحت وب چند مستاجری با ASP.NET Core و EF Core
سری طراحی چند مستاجری با ASP.NET Core
301, MovedPermanently
http://benfoster.io/blog/tagged/multi-tenancy icon

ASP.NET Core Multi-tenancy: Creating theme-able applications
ASP.NET Core Multi-tenancy: Tenant lifetime
Building multi-tenant applications with ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5)
Using Google Analytics in Multi-tenant applications
Introducing SaasKit - Multi-tenancy made easy

سری طراحی چند مستاجری با ASP.NET Core