مزایای مهاجرت از ASP.NET MVC 5.x به ASP.NET Core از دیدگاه کارآیی برنامه‌ها
200, OK
https://medium.com/redbus-in/how-redbus-moved-its-desktop-web-to-dot-net-core-insights-2c966023bb2e icon

Results and Impact
- Average Latency improved from 350ms to less than 250ms.
- CPU during peak time was [60–40%]. This dropped to [15–25%].
- AWS Cost Reduction by replacing Windows with Linux servers [by 45%]
- Apache benchmarking [89 vs. 57 req/s]: .NET Core — 89.68 requests / second. .NET Framework on Windows — 57.21 requests/second
- JMeter [Throughput — 142.9 vs. 60.5 per second]: .NET Core Solution: Hit 1000 requests on http://XXXX.redbus.pe/ , Throughput was 142.9/Sec. NET Framework on Windows: Hit 1000 requests on http://XXXX.redbus.pe/, Throughput was 60.5/Sec.
- Blazemeter [90% response time — 417ms vs. 1.09s]: .NET Core Solution: 90% Response time was 417ms. .NET Framework on Windows: 90% Response time was 1.09s.

مزایای مهاجرت از ASP.NET MVC 5.x به ASP.NET Core از دیدگاه کارآیی برنامه‌ها
پیاده سازی AutoPostBack در ASP.NET Core
302, Found
http://binaryintellect.net/articles/6d0b21c8-2bbc-42c0-9403-4cd1880c123f.aspx icon

Those of you who worked with ASP.NET web forms will recollect that certain server controls such as DropDownList have a property called AutoPostBack. This property when set to true automatically submits the form to the server whenever the selection changes and raises some server side event. In modern web development people prefer to use Ajax over AutoPostBack but at times AutoPostBack is what you might need. To that end this article shows how AutoPostBack can be implemented in ASP.NET Core applications. 

پیاده سازی AutoPostBack در ASP.NET Core