نقشه راه آینده ASP.NET CORE
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https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/NDC/NDC-Oslo-2017/BRK06?utm_source=Direct icon

ASP.NET Core architect, David Fowler, supported by .NET Program Manager, Jon Galloway, will talk through their current thinking for the future of ASP.NET Core, beyond 2.0. Topics include the potential features of Kestrel, SignalR, and MVC as ASP.NET Core evolves beyond its current HTTP-only focus.

نقشه راه آینده ASP.NET CORE
چهار روش برای Dispose کردن IDisposableها در ASP.NET Core
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https://andrewlock.net/four-ways-to-dispose-idisposables-in-asp-net-core/?utm_source=dotNET+Weekly&utm_campaign=b66901a11a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_06_27&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_cacef7f3d3-b66901a11a-458000573 icon

you should either use the using statement, or let the DI container handle disposing objects for you. For cases where that's not possible, ASP.NET Core provides two mechanisms you can hook in to: RegisterForDispose and IApplicationLifetime. 

چهار روش برای Dispose کردن IDisposableها در ASP.NET Core