نگاهی به موارد جدید AngularJs 1.3
301, MovedPermanently
http://blog.thoughtram.io/exploring-angular-1.3/ icon

موارد جدیدی که در AngularJs 1.3 اضافه شده

ngMessages: ^^

$applayAsync: ^^

Validators Pipeline: ^^

Binding to Directive Controllers^^

Disabling Debug Info : ^^

ES6 Style Promises  : ^^

Stateful filters  ^^

Angular-hint : ^^

ng-model-options ^^

One-time bindings : ^^


نگاهی به موارد جدید AngularJs 1.3
lazy لود کردن ماژول ها در AngularJs با ocLazyLoad
200, OK
https://github.com/ocombe/ocLazyLoad icon

در جایی از پروژه نیاز بود که کامپننتی از Angular با ماژول متفاوتی به صورت lazy load داشته باشید کمک می‌کنه

البته کلا lazy loading را انجام میده حتی برای فایل‌های Css

lazy لود کردن ماژول ها در AngularJs با ocLazyLoad
Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs
401, Unauthorized
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dZdq2L8EkzimgvU93ypLF9GJpdzD2jjm08Zal6sfxMQ/edit icon

Angular 1.3 might be the best Angular yet, but there's still lots of high impact work to be done on the 1.x branch. We still have Material Design, our new router, and improved internationalization of Angular apps still to come ... 

The Angular 1.x project needs someone to be fully committed to keeping v1 moving forward, and supporting the Angular ecosystem that has grown around it.

That's why I'm delighted that Pete Bacon Darwin has agreed to take over the leadership role for Angular v1.  

But Pete can't do this alone. He needs Brian, Caitlin, and Chirayu to help make v1 even more awesome. Jeff will help out with google3 sync and releases, and familiar faces like Matias Niemela and Pawel Kozlowski (who co-wrote one of the first books on Angular with Pete) will be ongoing contributors. We're also looking forward to meeting new faces. Over time, some of these folks will shift their focus towards Angular 2, but for the immediate future, what's most important is that Angular 1.x is and continues to be well taken care of.  

Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs