حداقل‌ نیازهای مدیریت یک پروژه‌ی بزرگ
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https://matklad.github.io/2024/03/22/basic-things.html icon

Basic Things

After working on the initial stages of several largish projects, I accumulated a list of things that share the following three properties:

  • they are irrelevant while the project is small,
  • they are a productivity multiplier when the project is large,
  • they are much harder to introduce down the line.

حداقل‌ نیازهای مدیریت یک پروژه‌ی بزرگ
راه‌هایی برای جلوگیری از بیش‌ از اندازه پیچیده کردن کدها
200, OK
https://www.16elt.com/2024/09/07/future-proof-code/ icon

On over-engineering; finding the right balance

A big debate among developers is whether to write code for today’s problem or to build a general-purpose solution for future needs. Both approaches have their pros and cons. Specific-purpose code can quickly become messy. But overly general code can add unnecessary complexity. This post, obviously opinionated, argues for a middle ground. That’s the sweet spot, as always.

راه‌هایی برای جلوگیری از بیش‌ از اندازه پیچیده کردن کدها
architectural styles چه چیز هایی هستند ؟
303, SeeOther
https://youtu.be/9a81hBEZ1N8 icon
تو این ویدیو نگاهی انداختیم به این که اساسا به چه کسی میگیم معمار نرم افزار، و معماری یعنی چی، و اینکه یک بعد از 4 بعد معماری رو باهم بررسی کردیم بعد استراکچر یا استایل معماری.

 03:40 who is a software architecture 
06:30 What is Architecture 
10:00 Architectural Style 
16:15 Monolithic and Distributed architectural styles
architectural styles چه چیز هایی هستند ؟
اولین ویدیو از سری ویدیو های بررسی معماری نرم افزار
303, SeeOther
https://youtu.be/mexiRfX37fU icon

تو این ویدیو اول سراغ تاریخچه معماری رفتیم و بعد به این رسیدیم که چرا توی یه جنگلی از اسامی معمارگونه گیر کرده ایم و سعی داریم از این همه اسامی و الگو‌ها و معماری‌های مختلف رو طبقه بندی کنیم.

02:30 History of the Software Architecture
16:00 Architecture vs Design
19:00 Software Architecture vs Software Design 

اولین ویدیو از سری ویدیو های بررسی معماری نرم افزار
معماری Vertical Slice بهتر است از کار با لایه‌ها!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2Wnq0ChAIA icon

Vertical Slice Architecture, not Layers! 

Why Vertical Slice Architecture? Nobody wants to deal with a system that is hard to change and easy to introduce bugs because it's a spaghetti code mess of various technical concerns. Clean Architecture is popular because it separates concerns into many different layers. But why are we organizing code by layers? Does adding a new feature require you to modify files across multiple projects in your UI, business, and data access layers? Vertical Slice Architecture is about how you organize code and focus on features instead of technical layers will make your system easier to change. 

معماری Vertical Slice بهتر است از کار با لایه‌ها!
معماری های رایج برنامه های وب
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https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/modern-web-apps-azure/common-web-application-architectures icon

Most traditional .NET applications are deployed as single units corresponding to an executable or a single web application running within a single IIS appdomain. This approach is the simplest deployment model and serves many internal and smaller public applications very well. However, even given this single unit of deployment, most non-trivial business applications benefit from some logical separation into several layers. 

معماری های رایج برنامه های وب