بررسی میزان پیچیدگی کدها با Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Metrics
200, OK
https://swharden.com/blog/2023-03-05-dotnet-code-analysis/ icon

This page describes how to use the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Metrics package to perform source code analysis of .NET assemblies from a console application. Visual Studio users can perform source code analysis by clicking the "Analyze" dropdown menu and selecting "Calculate Code Metrics", but I sought to automate this process so I can generate custom code analysis reports from console applications as part of my CI pipeline. 

بررسی میزان پیچیدگی کدها با Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Metrics
چگونه یک کد آنالیزر Roslyn بنویسیم؟
200, OK
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/how-to-write-a-roslyn-analyzer/ icon

Roslyn analyzers inspect your code for style, quality, maintainability, design and other issues. Because they are powered by the .NET Compiler Platform, they can produce warnings in your code as you type even before you’ve finished the line. In other words, you don’t have to build your code to find out that you made a mistake. Analyzers can also surface an automatic code fix through the Visual Studio light bulb prompt that allows you to clean up your code immediately. 

چگونه یک کد آنالیزر Roslyn بنویسیم؟