پیاده سازی مفاهیم SOLID در ASP.NET Core توسط نویسنده‌ی AutoMapper
429, TooManyRequests
https://vimeo.com/180160537 icon

ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the ground-up rewrite of ASP.NET, MVC and Web API, bringing a new paradigm in building web applications and APIs in .NET. With this rewrite brought new techniques in building SOLID applications, and updated some existing patterns and tools.
In this session, we'll take a lap around some of the major extension points of ASP.NET Core 1.0, walking through how these features can help us build cleaner, more maintainable systems. We'll cover web APIs, traditional MVC applications, controllers, views, filters, dependency injection, tag helpers and more. With a SOLID foundation, our ASP.NET Core applications will be dead simple to build and maintain.

پیاده سازی مفاهیم SOLID در ASP.NET Core توسط نویسنده‌ی AutoMapper
چگونه باید یک لیست را در معرض دید سایر کلاس‌ها قرار داد؟
200, OK
https://github.com/jbe2277/waf/wiki/How-should-a-class-expose-a-collection%3F icon
  • Do use the interface IReadOnlyList<T> or IReadOnlyCollection<T> to expose a collection.

    • Use IReadOnlyList<T> if the item order is important and deterministic.

    • Use IReadOnlyCollection<T> if the item order is not important.

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