پروژه SmartLockPlatform - مدیریت قفل‌های هوشمند و کنترل دسترسی
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https://github.com/rabbal/SmartLockPlatform_Lab icon

این پروژه با هدف آشنایی با دامین مربوط به قفل‌های هوشمند و کنترل دسترسی به آنها انجام شده است. در سورس کد آن نحوه استفاده از امکانات Resource-based Authorization و Logical CQRS در کنار طراحی یک Rich Domain را می توانید مشاهده کنید. همچنین روش برقراری ارتباط با این قفل‌ها از طریق پروتکل MQTT با استفاده از Emqx در آن تعبیه شده است.

پروژه SmartLockPlatform - مدیریت قفل‌های هوشمند و کنترل دسترسی
بررسی وضعیت کتابخانه‌ی Moq
200, OK
https://georgestocker.com/2023/08/09/moq-adds-nagware-wheres-the-net-foundation-in-all-this/ icon

Moq is a mocking library for .NET Unit Testing (cue the TDD folks reminding us mocks are unnecessary), and it is by far the most widely used mocking library in .NET (475 million downloads vs 87 million for the next largest, NSubstitute). Yesterday, its author released version 4.20.1; which added nagware and a backdoor to Moq, in a bid to drive up paid usages of Moq through ‘Sponsorships’. 

بررسی وضعیت کتابخانه‌ی Moq
روش مهاجرت از Moq به NSubstitute
200, OK
https://sogue.medium.com/transitioning-from-moq-to-nsubstitute-in-net-unit-testing-f9a167da34b icon

Unit testing is an integral part of modern software development. For years, Moq has been a popular choice in the .NET ecosystem for creating mock objects. Recent concerns over Moq’s SponsorLink feature have prompted some developers to consider such a switch. In this article, we delve into why you might consider NSubstitute over Moq and how to make the transition. 

روش مهاجرت از Moq به NSubstitute
آموزش Unit Testing در #C با xUnit
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjLk9hXDO3o icon

How to become a Zero to Hero in Unit Testing with C# and xUnit ?

Background   0:00:00
Introduction To Fluent Assertions   0:01:12
Setting Up Fluent Assertions 0:02:39
Basic Assertions with Fluent Assertions   0:09:19
Advanced Assertions with Fluent Assertions 0:20:28
Custom Assertions with Fluent Assertions 0:28:32
Test the Custom Person Assertions 0:47:56
Best Practices For Using Fluent Assertions 0:54:21 

آموزش  Unit Testing در #C با xUnit
9 نکته مفید برای استقرار امن و نگهداری تمیز اپلیکیشن های بزرگ
200, OK
https://michaelscodingspot.com/safe-application-deployment/ icon

An application’s code base is a living entity. It keeps growing, changing, and adapting. There’s always a new feature to add, more bugs to solve, and new bugs that are created as a result. As the teams grow, the code changes more often and there are ever more features, more issues, and more bugs. Thorough manual testing becomes impossible the bigger your application gets and as you ship more frequently. 

9 نکته مفید برای استقرار امن و نگهداری تمیز اپلیکیشن های بزرگ
سری آموزشی Automated Software Testing
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLReL099Y5nRcKEVRnOZ0n23XCBxQqINwX icon

Automated Software Testing Series - Visual Studio Toolbox
12 videos
Welcome to the 12-part series on automated software testing, where you will learn how to increase the efficiency and ROI of your software testing. We cover unit testing, behavior style testing, mocking, integration testing and more. 

سری آموزشی Automated Software Testing
وب سایت آموزشی زبان های برنامه نویسی با رویکرد Unit Testing
301, MovedPermanently
https://exercism.io/ icon

Exercism aims to provide opportunity for people of all backgrounds by helping them develop their programming skills through practice and mentorship. We provide thousands of exercises spread across over 50 language tracks, and offer both automated and human mentoring.  

وب سایت آموزشی زبان های برنامه نویسی  با رویکرد Unit Testing