مقایسه EntityFrameWork 6 (7) و NHibernate
301, MovedPermanently
http://enterprisecraftsmanship.com/2014/11/29/entity-framework-6-7-vs-nhibernate-4-ddd-perspective/ icon
 There is quite a bit of Entity Framework and NHibernate comparisons on the web already but all of them cover mostly the technical side of the question. In this post, I’ll compare these two technologies from a Domain Driven Design perspective. I’ll step through several code examples and show you how both of these ORMs let you deal with problems. 
مقایسه EntityFrameWork 6 (7) و NHibernate
در چه مواردی نباید از FirstOrDefault استفاده کرد؟
301, MovedPermanently
http://colinmackay.scot/2015/04/09/code-review-firstordefault/ icon

اگر در کدهای خود از روش someCollection.FirstOrDefault().Id استفاده می‌کنید، بهتر است آن‌را به someCollection.First().Id تغییر دهید تا در صورت خالی بودن مجموعه، استثنای بهتری را نسبت به NullReferenceException  دریافت کنید.

در چه مواردی نباید از FirstOrDefault استفاده کرد؟
DNTProfiler 1.4.828.0 منتشر شد
200, OK
https://github.com/VahidN/DNTProfiler/releases/tag/v1.4.828.0 icon

- Added `Select *` plugin.
- Added `Duplicate Commands Per Context` plugin.
- Updated ByMethods plugin to show stack traces of commands.
- Added ability of closing/hiding different tabs.
- Added assembly info to methods info view.
- Updated the NuGet Packages
PM> Update-Package DNTProfiler.EntityFramework.Core
PM> Update-Package DNTProfiler.NHibernate.Core 

DNTProfiler 1.4.828.0 منتشر شد
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
302, Found
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2015/03/10/ef6-1-3-rtm-available.aspx icon
EF6.1.3 just contain fixes to high priority issues that have been reported on the 6.1.2 release. The fixes include
Query: Regression in EF 6.1.2: OUTER APPLY introduced and more compex queries for 1:1 relationships and "let" clause
TPT problem with hiding base class property in inherited class
DbMigration.Sql fails when the word 'go' is contained in the text
Create compatibility flag for UnionAll and Intersect flattening support
Query with multiple Includes does not work in 6.1.2 (working in 6.1.1)
"You have an error in your SQL syntax" after upgrading from EF 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM