ابزاری اپن‌سورس برای ساختن پروتکل HTTPS در محیط لوکال
200, OK
https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert icon
A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.

mkcert is a simple tool for making locally-trusted development certificates. It requires no configuration.

ابزاری اپن‌سورس برای ساختن پروتکل HTTPS در محیط لوکال
ساخت اپلیکیشن های لوکال با ASP.NET Core تحت HTTPS, SSL, و Self-Signed Certs
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.hanselman.com/blog/DevelopingLocallyWithASPNETCoreUnderHTTPSSSLAndSelfSignedCerts.aspx icon

You want your local web development set up to reflect your production reality as much as possible. URL parsing, routing, redirects, avoiding mixed-content warnings, etc. It's very easy to accidentally find oneself on http:// when everything in 2018 should be under https://.

I'm using ASP.NET Core 2.1 which makes local SSL super easy. After installing from http://dot.net I'll "dotnet new razor" in an empty folder to make a quick web app. 

ساخت اپلیکیشن های لوکال با ASP.NET Core تحت HTTPS, SSL, و Self-Signed Certs