احراز هویت (Identity) در ASP.Net با استفاده از بانک اطلاعاتی MongoDB
200, OK
https://github.com/g0t4/aspnet-identity-mongo-sample icon

برای انتقال جداول احراز هویت (Identity) از SQL Server به بانک اطلاعاتی MongoDB و نحوه استفاده از آن از سورس نمونه در لینک بالا استفاده کنید.
همچنین در این پروژه از پکیج AspNet.Identity.MongoDB 2.0.8   که بر روی Nuget قرار دارد استفاده شده است.

احراز هویت (Identity) در ASP.Net با استفاده از بانک اطلاعاتی MongoDB
کتاب رایگان MongoDB 3 Succinctly
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.syncfusion.com/resources/techportal/details/ebooks/MongoDB_3_Succinctly?utm_source=ebook&utm_medium=EDM&utm_campaign=MongoEBJune17 icon

MongoDB is one of the biggest players in the NoSQL database market, providing high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling. It’s an open-source document database written in C++ and hosted on GitHub. Zoran Maksimovic’s MongoDB 3 Succinctly touches on the most important aspects of the MongoDB database that application developers should be aware of—from installation and the usage of the Mongo Shell, to examples of the MongoDB C# driver APIs for Microsoft .NET Framework.

Table of Contents

  1. MongoDB Overview
  2. MongoDB Installation
  3. The Mongo Shell
  4. Manipulating Documents
  5. Data Retrieval
  6. Basic MongoDB with C#
  7. Data Handling in C#
  8. Inserting Data in C#
  9. Find (Query) Data in C#
  10. Binary Data (File Handling) in C#
  11. Back Up and Restore 
کتاب رایگان MongoDB 3 Succinctly
نرم افزاری برای اتصال به تمامی بانکهای اطلاعاتی
301, MovedPermanently
http://dbeaver.jkiss.org/ icon

نرم افزار DBeaver که در حال حاضر نسخه ۴ آن به صورت رایگان قابل دانلود و استفاده است، محیطی یکسان و یکپارچه را برای اتصال به تقریبا تمام بانکهای اطلاعاتی مطرح دنیا و اجرای انواع دستورات SQL فراهم می‌کند.

از نقاط جالب این نرم افزار، امکان اتصال آن به بانک‌های اطلاعاتی NoSQL مانند کاساندرا، ردیس و مانگو دی بی است. 

برگرفته از بیگ دیتا

نرم افزاری برای اتصال به تمامی بانکهای اطلاعاتی
فناوری‌هایی برای مطالعه در سال 2017
200, OK
https://weblogs.asp.net/ricardoperes/technologies-to-follow-in-2017 icon

- .NET Core
- Node.js
- Docker
- Elasticsearch: A distributed and open source search engine based on Lucene. A blazing fast NoSQL database with replication capabilities, it is the most widely known component of the ELK stack, together with Kibana (for reporting and visualizations), Logstash (for data import) and Beats (for data shipping). Even Azure Search uses it behind the covers. Free but some tools are paid. Get it from http://elastic.co.
- ECMAScript 2015
- Kafka
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Git
- Nginx
- Octopus Deploy
- Azure
- Amazon Web Services
- Linux
- Visual Studio Code
- Xamarin
- Google Analytics
- SQL Server 2016
- Let’s Encrypt
- TensorFlow
- GitLab
- Redis 

فناوری‌هایی برای مطالعه در سال  2017
استفاده از MongoDB .NET Driver با NET Core Web API.
301, MovedPermanently
http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1151842/Using-MongoDB-NET-Driver-with-NET-Core-WebAPI icon

Source could be also accessed from GitHub -> https://github.com/fpetru/WebApiMongoDB.

Problem / solution format brings an easier understanding on how to build things, giving an immediate feedback. Starting from this idea, the blog post will present step by step how to build

a web application to store your ideas in an easy way, adding text notes, either from desktop or mobile, with few characteristics: run fast, save on the fly whatever you write, and be reasonably reliable and secure.

This blog post will implement just the backend, WebApi and the database access, in the most simple way. Next blog post will cover the front end, using Angular. Then, there will be an additional article on how to increase the performance and the security. 

استفاده از MongoDB .NET Driver با NET Core Web API.
آشنایی با NodeJS و MongoDB
200, OK
https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/detailed-introduction-nodejs-mongodb/ icon

Node.js is a rapidly growing technology that has been overtaking the world of server-side programming with surprising speed. MongoDB is a technology that’s revolutionizing database usage. Together, the two tools are a potent combination, thanks to the fact that they both employ JavaScript and JSON. 

آشنایی با NodeJS و MongoDB
استفاده از MongoDB با Web API
301, MovedPermanently
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/henrikn/2012/02/18/using-mongodb-with-asp-net-web-api/ icon

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that makes it a great backend for Web APIs which lend themselves towards a document store rather than a relational store. In this blog we show how you can use MongoDB with ASP.NET Web API to build an ApiController with support for HTTP GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. 

استفاده از MongoDB با Web API