سری آموزش توسعه‌ی وب از تیم کروم
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https://web.dev/learn/ icon

Learn web development
Explore our growing collection of courses on key web design and development subjects. An industry expert has written each course, helped by members of the Chrome team. Follow the modules sequentially, or dip into the topics you most want to learn about. 

سری آموزش توسعه‌ی وب از تیم کروم
دوره مقدماتی Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlrxD0HtieHjqO1pNqScMngrV7oFro-TY icon

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for Beginners
Welcome to PWA for Beginners! Join Beth Pan and her team in this spunky 4-chapter, 17-video tutorial that walks you through building your own Progressive Web Apps that can run cross platforms and combine the best of web and native features! 

دوره مقدماتی Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Firefox پشتیبانی نصب PWA ها را به عنوان برنامه‌ی دسکتاپ حذف می‌کند
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https://www.i-programmer.info/news/87-web-development/14261-firefox-drops-support-for-pwa.html icon

Firefox is removing its experimental support for installing Progressive Web Apps to the desktop. Whether or not this really constitutes giving up on PWA depends on your point of view, but I think it is disappointing, both for PWA and for Firefox. 

Firefox پشتیبانی نصب PWA ها را به عنوان برنامه‌ی دسکتاپ حذف می‌کند
روشی برای تبدیل برنامه‌های React به PWA
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https://github.com/ionic-team/capacitor icon

You’ve built a React web app and would love to bring it to iOS and Android. That means you have to learn React Native first, right? As it turns out, there’s an easier way to deploy to mobile. With Capacitor, a new native runtime for web apps, you can deploy any React-based web app as a PWA, iOS, or Android app - all from the same codebase. 

روشی برای تبدیل برنامه‌های React به PWA