بازنویسی کامل FileStream در دات نت 6 جهت بهبود کارآیی آن
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https://github.com/dotnet/core/issues/6098#issuecomment-830154834 icon

In this particular example (Windows 10 with SSD drive with BitLocker enabled) reading 1 MB file is now 2.5 times faster, while writing is 5.5 times faster.
The memory allocations dropped from 39 kilobytes to 192 bytes! This is a 99.5% improvement! 

Method Runtime Mean Ratio Allocated
ReadAsync .NET 5.0 3.419 ms 1.00 39,504 B
ReadAsync .NET 6.0 1.445 ms 0.42 192 B

WriteAsync .NET 5.0 12.181 ms 1.00 39,192 B
WriteAsync .NET 6.0 2.193 ms 0.18 192 B
بازنویسی کامل FileStream در دات نت 6 جهت بهبود کارآیی آن
stand up بهبود کارایی یک اپلیکیشن مبتنی بر Entity Framework Core
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgNFFEqwZPU icon

Guest Jon P Smith shows how he built a demo e-commerce book selling site that uses EF Core. He started with 700 books then scaled through 100,000 books to ½ million books. At each stage he compares the performance of each improvement, and the extra work to get that performance. 

stand up بهبود کارایی یک اپلیکیشن  مبتنی بر Entity Framework Core
جزئیات روش‌های بکار گرفته شده در بهبود کارآیی سایت Smashing Magazine
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https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2021/01/smashingmag-performance-case-study/ icon

In this article, we’ll take a close look at some of the changes we made on this very site — running on JAMStack with React — to optimize the web performance and improve the Core Web Vitals metrics. With some of the mistakes we’ve made, and some of the unexpected changes that helped boost all the metrics across the board. 

جزئیات روش‌های بکار گرفته شده در بهبود کارآیی سایت Smashing Magazine