انتشار PostSharp 6.0 RC
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PostSharp 6.0 is the biggest refactoring since the 2.0 version released in July 2010. For a good cause: PostSharp 6.0 now runs natively in .NET Core 2.0. Previous versions of PostSharp executed only under .NET Framework at build time and the support for .NET Core was achieved by using a load of hacks that ended up being unmaintainable, warranting this big refactoring.

Let’s have a look at the new features of PostSharp 6.0 :

  • Support for .NET Core 2.0-2.1 and .NET Standard 2.0.
  • Support for Portable PDB.
  • Support for C# 7.2.
  • Ending the PostSharp versioning hell side-by-side: backward compatibility within the same major version.
  • Logging: robustness to faults in the logging subsystem.
  • Logging: no need to initialize before the first logged method is hit.
  • Caching: preventing concurrent execution (locking).
  • Visual Studio tooling: support for the new CPS-based project systems.
  • GDPR compliance: we no longer collect your name and email for trial, nor use unsecure HTTP, nor use non-resettable user id hashes. 
انتشار PostSharp 6.0 RC
انتشار PostSharp 5.1 Preview
308, PermanentRedirect
http://www.postsharp.net/blog/post/Announcing-PostSharp-51-Preview-Support-for-NET-Standard-20-and-NET-Core-20 icon

PostSharp 5.1 will focus on providing support for .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Core 2.0. Our objective is to port the PostSharp compiler itself to .NET Standard 2.0 so that we can compile .NET Standard and .NET Core applications natively, without cross-compilation. PostSharp 5.1 will still only support Windows as the only build platform. 

انتشار PostSharp 5.1 Preview
انتشار PostSharp 5.0 RTM
308, PermanentRedirect
http://www.postsharp.net/blog/post/Announcing-PostSharp-50-RTM?utm_source=crm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=50rtm icon

PostSharp 5.0 adds support for .NET Core 1.1, Visual Studio 2017 and C# 7.0. It also introduces brand new features like the [Cache] aspect, the [Command] and [DependencyProperty] aspects for XAML applications. And the Logging feature has been completely revamped, now fully customizable and faster than ever.

انتشار PostSharp 5.0 RTM
Postsharp نسخه 4 منتشر شد
308, PermanentRedirect
http://www.postsharp.net/blog/post/Announcing-PostSharp-40-RTM icon

4x runtime performance enhancement on our NotifyPropertyChanged aspect.
Improved reliability and scope of our deadlock detection policy.
Dynamic advices: see IAdviceProvider, IntroduceInterface, ImportLocation, ImportMethod, IntroduceMethod.
Aspect Repository and Late Validation.
OnInstanceConstructed advice.
Faster advice state lookup: see DeclarationIdentifier.

Postsharp نسخه 4 منتشر شد