مقایسه درآمد برنامه‌نویس هایی که از Space و Tab استفاده می‌کنند!
200, OK
https://fossbytes.com/programmers-spaces-versus-tabs-more-money/ icon

در این نظرسنجی درآمد دولوپرهایی که از Space استفاده کرده‌اند، بیشتر از دولوپرهایی بوده که از Tab استفاده کرده اند!

مقایسه درآمد برنامه‌نویس هایی که از Space و Tab استفاده می‌کنند!
14 چیزی که هرگز نباید در هنگام یادگیری کدنویسی انجام دهید!
301, MovedPermanently
http://blog.thefirehoseproject.com/posts/the-14-things-you-should-never-do-while-learning-to-code/ icon

There are a handful of extremely common mistakes that you should never do while learning to code. These pitfalls can make it incredibly difficult to gain momentum early in the process. So if you’re just starting out, remember that these common missteps

14 چیزی که هرگز نباید در هنگام یادگیری کدنویسی انجام دهید!
چرا برنامه نویسان باید زبان Golang را یاد بگیرند
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.technotification.com/2018/06/go-programming-language.html/amp icon

Go, also referred to as Golang is a program created by Google. It was designed by Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesmer. Golang is one of the most rapidly growing languages in terms of popularity. Ken Thompson, Rob Pike, and Robert Griesmer created Go Language to be a language that has numerous cores, implements concurrency easily, works smoothly in a distributed environment and allows the programmer to write programs without too much hustle. Go language also has a lean and user-friendly syntax. 

چرا برنامه نویسان باید زبان Golang را یاد بگیرند