مقایسه (sortable Guid)GUID , UUID
200, OK
https://andrewlock.net/generating-sortable-guids-using-newid/ icon

Pros and cons of Database identity
Nice to work with in URLs
Limiting, as they require a trip to the database, which precludes some patterns
Can be tricky to return IDs when inserting in some cases (EF Core etc solves this)
Can cause contention in high throughput scenarios. May make scaling out impossible

مقایسه  (sortable Guid)GUID , UUID
افزایش سرعت Store Procedures با Table Value Parameters
200, OK
https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2015/06/01/table-valued-parameters.aspx icon
In an earlier column, I suggested that one way to speed up your application was to reduce the trips you make to your database, specifically by avoiding calling a stored procedure multiple times. To enable that, I showed how to pass a stored procedure multiple parameter values in a single call and then, inside the stored procedure, load the parameters into a table where they could be integrated with other SQL statements.
افزایش سرعت Store Procedures با Table Value Parameters
ویرایش دوم کتاب SQL Server Execution Plans
301, MovedPermanently
http://www.red-gate.com/community/books/sql-server-execution-plans-ed-2 icon
Execution Plans به منظور مشاهده کارهایی است که SQL Server در پشت صحنه اجرای پرس و جوها انجام می‌دهد که از آن می‌توانید برای بهبود کارایی پرس و جوهای استفاده نمایید. این کتاب منبع خوبی برای یادگیری Execution Plans می‌باشد. 
ویرایش دوم کتاب SQL Server Execution Plans