SQL Server 2022 قابلیت تهیه گزارش از کوئری‌های بد نوشته شده را دارد
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https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/databases/sql-server/performance-sql-server/sql-server-2022-capture-sql-anti-patterns/ icon
One of the new Extended Event available in SQL Server 2022 is the query_antipattern. This extended event allows to identify anti-patterns on the SQL queries sent to the server.  An anti-pattern in this case is some code that the SQL Server optimizer can’t do a great job optimizing the code (but cannot correct the issue automatically). 
SQL Server 2022 قابلیت تهیه گزارش از کوئری‌های بد نوشته شده را دارد
سری آموزشی 150 قسمتی کار با SQL Server
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https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL08903FB7ACA1C2FB icon

SQL Server tutorial for beginners
150 videos
In this tutorial, we will start from the very basics and cover topics like joins, views, triggers, system functions, stored procedures, user defined scalar and table valued functions etc. These video tutorials will be useful for frehsers, experienced .NET and SQL Database developers.  

سری آموزشی 150 قسمتی کار با SQL Server
یکی از مزایای ارتقاء به SQL Server 2022
200, OK
https://blog.sqlauthority.com/2023/05/24/sql-server-2022-performance-buffer-pool-scan/ icon

SQL Server 2022 Performance - Buffer Pool Scan 

Considering the significant performance improvements and the elimination of buffer pool scan issues in SQL Server 2022, upgrading your SQL Server environment to this latest version is highly recommended. 

یکی از مزایای ارتقاء به SQL Server 2022
بررسی تازه‌های SQL Server 2022 برای توسعه‌ دهنده‌ها
200, OK
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSDy2bCHHkc icon

.NET Data Community Standup - Azure SQL Database and SQL Server 2022: what’s new for developers
During this show we will discuss some of the new capabilities introduced on both SQL Server and our Azure services that have an impact on app development like:
T-SQL and IQP enhancements
Local Development Experience
JSON enhancements
DataAPI Builder
And more…


بررسی تازه‌های SQL Server 2022 برای توسعه‌ دهنده‌ها
SQL Server Language Extensions دات نتی
200, OK
https://github.com/microsoft/sql-server-language-extensions/blob/main/language-extensions/dotnet-core-CSharp/sample/regex/README.md icon

This sample shows you how to use SQL Server Language Extensions to create a .NET Core C# program that receives two columns (ID and text) from SQL Server and a regular expression as an input parameter. The class returns two columns back to SQL Server (ID and text). 

SQL Server Language Extensions دات نتی