درک SQL Server Database Errors
200, OK
https://codingsight.com/understanding-sql-server-database-errors/ icon

No matter how hard we try to design and develop applications, errors will always occur. There are two general categories – syntax or logical errors can be either programmatic errors or consequences of incorrect database design. Otherwise, you might get an error because of the wrong user input. 

درک SQL Server Database Errors
SQL Server Management Studio 18.7 منتشر شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2020/10/20/sql-server-management-studio-18-7-now-generally-available/ icon

The 18.7 release is the third major release of SSMS in 2020 and expands on our commitment to providing quality tooling for database administration. Key changes include:

  • Fix for Database diagrams add table dialog.
  • Installation of Azure Data Studio.
  • Extended Events script with wait type name. 
SQL Server Management Studio 18.7 منتشر شد