ساخت برنامه‌های Cross-Platform با HaXe
301, MovedPermanently
http://haxe.org/ icon

Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern high level strictly typed programming language, a state-of-the-art light-speed cross-compiler, a complete cross-platform standard library, and ways to access to each platform's native capabilities. 

ساخت برنامه‌های Cross-Platform با HaXe
مجموعه ابزار های آنلاین
301, MovedPermanently
http://uttool.com/ icon

 Uttool provides set of free online tools to make your life,
Json Parser,
Html Encode,
Unix Time Converter,
Url Escape,
Unit Converter,
Stop Watch,
Countdown Timer,
Photo Editor,
Color Picker,
Email Address,
Base64 Encode Decode,
AES Encryption,
DES Encryption,
RC4 Encryption,
Rabbit Encryption,
Triple DES Encryption,
Md5 Hash,
SHA1-1 Hash,
SHA-256 Hash,
SHA-384 Hash,
SHA-512 Hash,
Regular Expression Tester,
Guid Generator,
RegEx String Generator,
String Generator,

مجموعه ابزار های آنلاین