jQuery 3.6.0 منتشر شد
200, OK
http://blog.jquery.com/2021/03/02/jquery-3-6-0-released/ icon

jQuery 3.6.0 has been released! In jQuery 3.5.0, the major change was a security fix for the html prefilter. This release does not include a security fix, but does have some good bug fixes and improvements. We still have our eyes on a jQuery 4.0 release, but until then we will continue to support the 3.x branch and address important issues. 

jQuery 3.6.0 منتشر شد
Number Spinner با امکانات بسیار مناسب
200, OK
https://www.jqueryscript.net/form/Simple-Number-Spinner-Input-Plugin-For-jQuery-DP-Number-Picker.html icon

در صورتی که نیاز دارید برای برنامه خود یک شمارنده که توسط کاربر تنظیم میشود قرار دهید این پلاگین جی کوئری مورد بسیار مناسبی است. تمامی پراپرتی‌ها و رویدادهایی که کاربردی و مورد نیاز هستند در این کتابخانه گنجانده شده اند.

min: false, // Minimum value.
max: false, // Maximum value.
value: 0, // Initial value
step: 1, // Incremental/decremental step on up/down change.
format: false,
editable: true,
addText: "+",
subText: "-",
formatter: function(val){return val;},
beforeIncrease: function(){},
afterIncrease: function(){},
beforeDecrease: function(){},
afterDecrease: function(){},
beforeChange: function(){},
afterChange: function(){},
onMin: function(){},
onMax: function(){}

Number Spinner با امکانات بسیار مناسب
jQuery 3.5.0 منتشر شد
200, OK
http://blog.jquery.com/2020/04/10/jquery-3-5-0-released/ icon

The main change in this release is a security fix, and it’s possible you will need to change your own code to adapt. Here’s why: jQuery used a regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter method to ensure that all closing tags were XHTML-compliant when passed to methods. For example, this prefilter ensured that a call like jQuery("<div class='hot' />") is actually converted to jQuery("<div class='hot'></div>"). Recently, an issue was reported that demonstrated the regex could introduce a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. 

jQuery 3.5.0 منتشر شد