مجله آموزشی، تحقیقاتی اپل در حوزه یادگیری ماشین
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https://machinelearning.apple.com icon

Welcome to the Apple Machine Learning Journal. Here, you can read posts written by Apple engineers about their work using machine learning technologies to help build innovative products for millions of people around the world

مجله آموزشی، تحقیقاتی اپل در حوزه یادگیری ماشین
چه تفاوتی بین Update و Upgrade است؟
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https://fossbytes.com/whats-the-difference-between-update-and-upgrade/ icon

Update and upgrade are two different ways to make a change to an app or operating system. But the prime difference lies in a number of modifications made and the importance of those modifications. A software update includes bug fixes, and other small improvements, while a software upgrade changes the version of a software

چه تفاوتی بین Update و Upgrade است؟
راهنمایی های گوگل برای کامنت‌گذاری کدها
200, OK
https://testing.googleblog.com/2017/07/code-health-to-comment-or-not-to-comment.html icon

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office

راهنمایی های گوگل برای کامنت‌گذاری کدها