نکاتی در رابطه با ویژگی‌های جدید C# 7.0
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.infoq.com/articles/Patterns-Practices-CSharp-7 icon

C# 7 is a major update with a lot of interesting new capabilities. And while there are plenty of articles on what you can do with it, there aren't quite as many on what you should do with it. Using the principles found in the .NET Framework Design Guidelines, we're going to take a first pass at laying down strategies for getting the most from these new features. 

نکاتی در رابطه با ویژگی‌های جدید C# 7.0
نحوه‌ استفاده از قالب Typescript library starter
200, OK
https://dev.to/alexjoverm/write-a-library-using-typescript-library-starter icon

Have you ever written a library in JavaScript or TypeScript? Are you planning to do it? If so, you must try Typescript library starter, a starter kit that will make easy to get started while providing all features you know to write a library in Typescript. 

نحوه‌ استفاده از قالب Typescript library starter
نسخه دوم فریم‌ورک MSTest سورس باز شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudioalm/2017/04/05/mstest-v2-is-open-source/ icon

As promised , we announced the open sourcing of MSTest Test Framework “MSTest V2”. The community now has a fully supported, open source, cross-platform implementation of the MSTest V2 portfolio with which to write tests targeting .NET Framework, .NET Core and ASP.NET Core on Windows, Linux, and Mac. 

نسخه دوم فریم‌ورک MSTest سورس باز شد
بررسی ASP.NET Core
200, OK
https://jeremydmiller.com/2017/04/04/reviewing-asp-net-core/ icon

If you stumble into this with no idea who I am or why I’m arrogant enough to think I’m qualified to potentially criticize the ASP.Net Core internals, I’m the primary author of both StructureMap (the IoC container) and an alternative “previous generation” OSS web development framework called FubuMVC that tackled a lot of the same problems that ASP.Net Core addresses now that were not part of older ASP.Net MVC or Web API. 

بررسی ASP.NET Core