مهارت‌های رزومه برای توسعه‌دهندگان بلند پرواز
200, OK
https://dev.to/daedtech/resume-skills-for-the-developer-with-upward-ambition-431a icon

Go through this list looking for every skill that you have, and make note of it.  Then, when you've gathered them up, you're ready to create your resume skills section.

But, instead of a comma-delimited regurgitation, you're going to build a table
مهارت‌های رزومه برای توسعه‌دهندگان بلند پرواز
Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها
301, MovedPermanently
https://ardalis.com/sketch-themes-for-prototypes icon

Sometimes, in order to get rapid feedback, it’s useful to throw together a prototype that has literally nothing going on in the backend, but lets the user get a sense of how the application would flow. The problem, of course, is that once users see such a thing, they can’t always tell the difference between smoke and mirrors and the real thing. 

Sketch Theme برای استفاده در Prototypeها
یوتیوبر معروف برای دوره یادگیری ماشین که فقط کپی پیست کد از گیت‌هاب بقیه بود مقدار زیادی پول از دنبال‌کننده‌هایش گرفت
301, MovedPermanently
https://www.theregister.co.uk/AMP/2019/09/27/youtube_ai_star/ icon

The AI hysteria has led to a rash of budding engineers hoping to land a cushy job somewhere in Silicon Valley. So it's no wonder that thousands flocked to an online course titled Make Money with Machine Learning fronted by Siraj Raval

یوتیوبر معروف برای دوره یادگیری ماشین که فقط کپی پیست کد از گیت‌هاب بقیه بود مقدار زیادی پول از دنبال‌کننده‌هایش گرفت
حمله به بدهی‌های فنی
301, MovedPermanently
https://ardalis.com/attacking-technical-debt icon

Technical Debt is a metaphor for shortcuts and hacks in software that make it more difficult to change and maintain than it could be with an optimal design. Many applications have accumulated a large amount of technical debt, and figuring out how to deal with it is a fairly common challenge for many developers 

حمله به بدهی‌های فنی