10 پروژه پرطرفدار در گیت هاب برای توسعه دهندگان وب
200, OK
https://dev.to/iainfreestone/10-trending-projects-on-github-for-web-developers-3rd-july-2020-2agi icon

1. SheetJS

Parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats. Pure-JS cleanroom implementation from official specifications, related documents, and test files. Emphasis on parsing and writing robustness, cross-format feature compatibility with a unified JS representation, and ES3/ES5 browser compatibility back to IE6. 


10  پروژه پرطرفدار در گیت هاب برای توسعه دهندگان وب
استقرار میکروسرویس در Azure Container
200, OK
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6685135135622352896/ icon

Azure Container Instances a simple way to run a container in Azure, without having to manage any virtual machines.

Brady Gaster returns in this follow up to the previous episode on Worker services. This time Brady will show us how to deploy our worker service to Azure Container Instances

  • [00:58] - Creating a new container instance
  • [03:08] - Exploring the Docker tools in Visual Studio Code
  • [04:30] - Reviewing the deployed container instance
  • [05:50] - Exploring the tools for Kubernetes in Visual Studio Code
  • [09:57] - Kubernetes Namespaces and Deployments
  • [12:10] - .NET Architecture Guides 
استقرار میکروسرویس در Azure Container