کتابخانه UbaPlayer
200, OK
https://github.com/brianhadaway/UbaPlayer icon

The jQuery HTML5 Audio Player with Flash Fallback.  Demo

UbaPlayer is a simple jQuery plugin that plays audio natively in modern browsers and uses Flash where native playback is impossible. It is tested to work in the following browsers:

  • Mac (Chrome 10+, Safari 4+, Firefox 3.5+, Opera)
  • PC (Chrome 10+, Safari 4+, Firefox3.5+, Opera, IE6+)
  • iOS 3+ (Safari Mobile)
  • Android 2.2+ (Chrome, Firefox 4, Opera 11) 
کتابخانه UbaPlayer
انتشار SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1
302, Found
http://blogs.technet.com/b/dataplatforminsider/archive/2015/11/30/sql-server-2016-community-technology-preview-3-1-is-available.aspx icon

New In-Memory OLTP improvements in CTP3.1 include:

  • Unique indexes in memory-optimized tables, to complement the support for unique constraints that was released in CTP3
  • LOB data types varchar(max), nvarchar(max), and varbinary(max) in memory-optimized tables and natively compiled modules
  • Indexes with NULLable key columns in memory-optimized tables

Syntax inputdate AT TIME ZONE timezone.

  • Inputdate: An expression that can be resolved to a smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset value.
  • Timezone: Name of the destination time zone in standard format as enumerated by Windows. Available time zones can be found by querying sys.time_zone_info.

SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) updates allow upgrading your existing models to 1200 compatibility level and a JSON editor for SSDT;

SQL Server PowerPivot and Reporting Services/Power View for SharePoint 2016 available now with CTP3.1!
انتشار SQL Server 2016 CTP 3.1
NET Framework 4.6.1. منتشر شد
301, MovedPermanently
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171868%28v=vs.110%29.aspx#v461 icon

The .NET Framework 4.6.1 includes new features in the following areas:

  • Cryptography


  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

  • Windows Workflow Foundation

  • Profiling

  • NGen

For more information on the .NET Framework 4.6.1, see the following topics:

NET Framework 4.6.1. منتشر شد
کتابخانه AndroidAssetStudio
200, OK
https://github.com/romannurik/AndroidAssetStudio icon

A web-based set of tools for generating graphics and other assets that would eventually be in an Android application's res/ directory.  Demo

Currently available asset generators area available for:

  • Launcher icons
  • Action bar icons
  • Notification icons
  • Device-framed screenshots
  • Simple nine-patches 
کتابخانه AndroidAssetStudio
Full-Text Search در MongoDB
301, MovedPermanently
http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/full-text-search-in-mongodb--cms-24835 icon

MongoDB, one of the leading NoSQL databases, is well known for its fast performance, flexible schema, scalability and great indexing capabilities. At the core of this fast performance lies MongoDB indexes, which support efficient execution of queries by avoiding full-collection scans and hence limiting the number of documents MongoDB searches.

Starting from version 2.4, MongoDB began with an experimental feature supporting Full-Text Search using Text Indexes .
Full-Text Search در MongoDB
کتابخانه mresize
200, OK
https://github.com/malihu/mresize icon

Event based jQuery element resize

The plugin does not use any kind of timer(s) to detect size changes. It uses the resize event on (invincible) iframe(s) which makes it perform much better than other solutions which use timers to poll element size. The script detects size changes made from JS, CSS, animations etc. and it works on any element able to contain other elements (e.g. div, p, li etc.). To use it on other inline elements (e.g. images) you need to add a wrapper and call the event on it.  Demo

کتابخانه mresize
کتابخانه Responsive Tabs
200, OK
https://0.s3.envato.com/files/156900100/index.html icon
  1. 8 Tab Designs
  2. Flexible Designs
  3. Fully Responsive including its contents
  4. Includes Typographical Elements (Headings, Text Callout, Blockquote)
  5. Includes Responsive Tables
  6. Includes Responsive Bar Chart
  7. Includes Responsive Column Chart
  8. Includes Responsive Video
  9. Includes Responsive Forms with 3 designs
کتابخانه Responsive Tabs