WebAssembly برای توسعه دهنده‌های دات نت
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https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2023/07/31/joshua-jesper-kraegpoth-ryder-the-future-is-here-webassembly-for-dotnet-developers-recording-available/ icon

WebAssembly, or Wasm, is on its way to becoming the next big thing in software development, allowing us to develop more reusable code across programming stacks. It will also enable the deployment of smaller packages more securely. This talk will focus on the view of a .NET developer using WebAssembly in their projects, whether client-side, server-side, or plugins.
0:00:00 – Introduction
0:01:44 – Presentation Start
0:04:36 – Wasm on the client
0:08:27 – Wasm on the server
0:11:51 – ASP.NET Core in Wasi
0:21:41 – Wasm in the cloud
0:32:38 – Wasm for plugins
0:36:07 – Wasm plugins samples
0:49:05 – .NET 8 and the future
0:55:08 – Who’s working on this?
1:03:13 – Outro

WebAssembly برای توسعه دهنده‌های دات نت