- Started VectorCharts and added the PieChart class. See Samples/PdfReportSamples/VectorPieChart/VectorPieChartPdfReport.cs for more info.
- Added VerticalBarChart.
- Added HorizontalBarChart.
- See Samples/PdfReportSamples/VectorBarChart/VectorBarChartPdfReport.cs for more info.
- Fixed HeaderCell's HorizontalAlignment value. Thnx to Punker76 for the patch.
- Added a new CustomHrHTMLTagProcessor to fix null reference exceptions of iTextSharp's HtmlWorker during processing of HR tags.
- Now HeaderCell's caption has a higher priority than DataAnnotations (column display name attributes).
- Updated the ASP.NET Web forms sample to demonstrate how to create an in memory PDF file inside an update panel