آموزش مقدماتی WebGL

WebGL is an in-browser 3D renderer based on OpenGL, which lets you display your 3D content directly into an HTML5 page. Throughout this series I will cover all the essentials you need to get started using this framework. We'll start with an introduction, then we'll be building on to the framework that we used in part one as well as adding a model importer and a custom class for 3D objects. You will also be introduced to animation and controls. Lastly, we’ll take a look at lighting and adding 2D objects to your scene. 

آموزش مقدماتی WebGL
آموزش رایگان برنامه نویسی Full-Stack به زبان فارسی

C#.NET for non-engineers.

The first course of "A Sr. Developer Course" courses. which contains:
1- C# Fundamentals for non-engineers.
2- DataBase for non-engineers.
3- Asp.NET WebForm for Non-engineers.
4- Application Architecture for no-engineers.
5- ASP.NET MVC for non-engineers.
6- Angular for non-engineers.

This is a course for who knows noting about C# and development if you know nothing about Array, variable, loop, and conditions you are in the right place.
at the end of this course, we will create one small university registration console application together.

You will learn in this course:
.NET Framework
Recursive methods
C# Primitive Types/Complex Types
switch case
if statement
Creating a method
ref, out
OOP/Object-oriented programing
Error handling
working with files

level: beginners to upper intermediate 

آموزش رایگان برنامه نویسی Full-Stack به زبان فارسی
کتاب کار با XML در SQL Server

Stairway to XML

XML has been part of the SQL Standard since 2003, and is essential for any DBA because so many of the dynamic management views return XML data. Now that the industry is more used to data defined by document markup, it is becoming more important than ever for Database Developers and DBAs to understand the technology and to know where it makes sense to use XML. In this book, originally a series of articles on SQLServerCentral.com, Robert Sheldon flexes his talent to make the complicated seem simple. 

کتاب کار با XML در SQL Server
NET 5. هفته‌ی بعد در NET Conf 2020. ارائه می‌شود

.NET 5 launch

.NET Conf is a free, three-day, virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. This year .NET 5.0 will launch at .NET Conf 2020! Come celebrate and learn about the new release. We're also celebrating our 10th anniversary and we're working on a few more surprises. You won't want to miss this one.

NET 5. هفته‌ی بعد در NET Conf 2020. ارائه می‌شود
لیست کامل ویدیوهای NET Conf 2019. در Channel 9

.NET Conf is a FREE, 3 day virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. This year .NET Core 3.0 will launch at .NET Conf 2019! Come celebrate and learn about the new release. You won't want to miss this one. 

لیست کامل ویدیوهای NET Conf 2019. در Channel 9
10 ویژگی عالی از Visual Studio Code
Enter Visual Studio Code – a free, lean, cross-platform version of your beloved Visual Studio. With a lightweight installation, you can enjoy most full-featured benefits of Visual Studio on a Windows, Mac or Linux machine. This article highlights 10 of the compelling features of VS Code, which aims to be your one-stop rich code editor across any developer platform.
10 ویژگی عالی از Visual Studio Code
سری آموزش Vue.js از مایکروسافت
Vue.js is a progressive front-end JavaScript framework designed to allow you to add dynamic capabilities to your web pages. The addition of a script tag allows you to utilize the functionality in existing applications, or you can build completely from scratch using the framework. It's designed to grow with you and allow you to quickly create rich pages. 
سری آموزش Vue.js از مایکروسافت