سری آموزشی Bash Scripting در لینوکس

Bash Scripting on Linux

The Bash Scripting Essentials series will teach you everything you need to know in order to write effective bash scripts in Linux. The series starts with some introductory concepts, with each episode building on the last. By the end of this series, you'll be able to write your own bash scripts! The Bash Scripting series was one of the very first tutorial series on Learn Linux TV ever, so it's basically where it all started. Now, it's been remade and brought into the modern age. The new version of this series covers everything the original version did, with additional concepts added throughout.

سری آموزشی Bash Scripting در لینوکس
آنچه هر برنامه نویس جاوا اسکریپت درباره ECMA Script 2015 باید بداند

, What Every JavaScript Developer Should Know About ECMAScript 2015 is the book I'd like to read about the new features in the JavaScript language. The book isn't a reference manual or an exhaustive list of everything in the ES2015 specification. Instead, I purposefully selected what I think are the important features we will use in everyday programming.  

آنچه هر برنامه نویس جاوا اسکریپت درباره ECMA Script 2015 باید بداند
بایندینگ به شیوه ASP.NET MVC در ASP.NET WEB API

This lets you do things that you can’t do in WebAPI’s default binder, specifically:

  1. ModelBinds everything, including the body. Assumes the body is FormUrl encoded
  2. This means you can do MVC scenarios where a complex type is bound with one field from the query string and one field from the form data in the body.
  3. Allows multiple parameters to be bound from the body. 
بایندینگ به شیوه ASP.NET MVC در ASP.NET WEB API
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
One of the more awesome things I like about being a .NET developer is LINQ. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a fluent query interface implemented in the .NET framework. It helps you query, sort and order any type of collection. This is a very neat way of querying arrays, lists, dictionaries, objects, etc. I’ve made 5 examples which run out of the box with Node.js (or io.js). You can also use the library for browser based JavaScript projects.
استفاده از LINQ در JavaScript
تاملی در مهاجرت از ویندوز به لینوکس

I have been using Windows operating system from the beginning. When I first started using computer Windows XP was the latest operating system and it was amazing. After few years I started my career as a Java developer and in my office also I have been using Windows only.
 After few years Windows Vista got released and I suffered with it for few months and then Microsoft released Windows 7 which is the best Windows operating system IMO. And then they released Windows 8 which I don’t like much. Recently they released Windows 10 and I have upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. Windows 10 is certainly better than Windows 8 but it still sucks compared to Windows 7. 

تاملی در مهاجرت از ویندوز به لینوکس