تغییر مجوز استفاده‌ی از Redis

Redis, the popular in-memory data store, is switching away from the open source three-clause BSD license. Instead, in a move that is clearly aimed to prevent the large cloud providers from offering free alternatives to Redis’ own hosted services, Redis will now be dual-licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License (SSPLv1). Under this new license, cloud service providers hosting Redis will need to enter into a commercial agreement with Redis. The first company to do so is Microsoft.

تغییر مجوز استفاده‌ی از Redis
همکاری با DevComponents در زمینه تولید کامپوننت!

سال‌هاست که از کامپوننت‌های DevComponents در کارهای خودم استفاده می‌کنم. شاید شما هم از طرفداران این کامپوننت‌ها باشید چرا که در بین شرکت‌های موجود، ارائه کیفیت در عین حفظ کمترین تعداد dllها از ویژگی‌های بارز DevComponents محسوب می‌شود.
در حالیکه برای بررسی نخسه‌های آخر سری به وب‌سایت و بعد وبلاگشون زدم، متوجه شدم که DevComponents علاقمند به همکاری با برنامه‌نویسان و طراحان از سرتاسر دنیاست. متن آغازین این همکاری برام خیلی جالب بود:

"There are three kinds of people in this world: Those who make things happen; those who watch things happen; and those who just wonder what a heck happened? "

خلاصه اگر به دسته اول تعلق دارید، می‌توانید از این فرصت بهره‌مند شوید. تنها چیزی که به آن احتیاج دارید بستر اینترنت خوب برای برقراری ارتباط می‌باشد.

You can be located anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connection. You can work any hours you want as long as work gets done. You have freedom and control over your working hours. All we ask for is that things get done. You will also get responsibility of supporting whatever you develop since we believe that is the best way to understand what our customers need. 

همکاری با DevComponents در زمینه تولید کامپوننت!
خلاصه ASP.NET vNext در 4 دقیقه

- Project format is changing to a single JSON file
- ASP.NET MVC and Web API have been unified into a single programming model
- Project Roslyn allows for a “no-compile” developer experience while making updates
- Migration to a OWIN hosting model allows for flexibility in production web hosts (IIS or running on Linux via Mono)

خلاصه ASP.NET vNext در 4 دقیقه
ASP.NET Core 3.1 Preview 3 منتشر شد

Installing Visual Studio 2019 16.4 will also install .NET Core 3.1 Preview 3, so you don’t need to separately install it. For Blazor development with .NET Core 3.1, Visual Studio 2019 16.4 is required. 

ASP.NET Core 3.1 Preview 3 منتشر شد
18 روش خلاقانه استفاده از Docker در کارهای روزانه
18 Innovative Ways to Use Docker Daily

- Running GUI Applications in Docker Containers
- How to Run a Web Browser Inside Docker
- Using Obsidian Note-Taking App via Docker
- LibreOffice in Docker: Open-Source Office Suite Containerized
- Contribute to Science: Folding@Home with Docker
- Effortless Docker Management with Docker Desktop and Portainer
- Secure Document Handling Using Dangerzone and Docker
- Containerizing CLI Tools for a Clean System
- Enhance Docker Security with Docker Scout
- Set Up an Isolated Hacking Lab with Docker and Kali Linux
- Master Docker Networks for Container Isolation
- Automate Your Docker Workflows with Docker Compose
- Explore New Operating Systems Using Docker Containers
- Running macOS in a Docker Container (Educational Purposes)
- How to Run Raspberry Pi OS via Docker
- Access a Suite of IT Tools Inside a Docker Container
- Using Docker to Containerize AI Tools like Fabric
- Safely Test Applications with Docker Containers
- Building Custom Docker Images from Scratch
- Unconventional Docker Use Cases You Need to Know
- Daily Docker Tips and Tricks for Enhanced Productivity
- Beginner's Guide to Advanced Docker Techniques
- Boost Your IT Workflow with These Docker Hacks
- Docker for Everyday Tasks: Beyond Development
18 روش خلاقانه استفاده از Docker در کارهای روزانه
معرفی NET Aspire.

.NET Aspire is a new framework from Microsoft for simplifying cloud-native development with .NET. It provides an opinionated stack and developer experience for building resilient, observable applications.  

معرفی NET Aspire.
jQuery 3.5.0 منتشر شد

The main change in this release is a security fix, and it’s possible you will need to change your own code to adapt. Here’s why: jQuery used a regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter method to ensure that all closing tags were XHTML-compliant when passed to methods. For example, this prefilter ensured that a call like jQuery("<div class='hot' />") is actually converted to jQuery("<div class='hot'></div>"). Recently, an issue was reported that demonstrated the regex could introduce a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. 

jQuery 3.5.0 منتشر شد
وب سایت آموزشی زبان های برنامه نویسی با رویکرد Unit Testing

Exercism aims to provide opportunity for people of all backgrounds by helping them develop their programming skills through practice and mentorship. We provide thousands of exercises spread across over 50 language tracks, and offer both automated and human mentoring.  

وب سایت آموزشی زبان های برنامه نویسی  با رویکرد Unit Testing