نکات جالبی درباره Breakpoints

Have you ever found a bug in your code and wanted to pause code execution to inspect the problem? If you are a developer, there’s a strong chance you have experienced or will experience this issue many, many times. While the short and sweet answer to this problem is to use a breakpoint, the longer answer is that Visual Studio actually provides multiple kinds of breakpoints and methods that let you pause your code depending on the context! Based on the different scenarios you may experience while debugging, here are some of the various ways to pause your code and set or manage a breakpoint in Visual Studio 2017 

نکات جالبی درباره Breakpoints
Unit Testing در AngularJS

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language which comes with great power of expression, but it also comes with almost no help from the compiler. For this reason we feel very strongly that any code written in JavaScript needs to come with a strong set of tests. We have built many features into Angular which make testing your Angular applications easy. With Angular, there is no excuse for not testing. 

Unit Testing در AngularJS
ایا معمار نرم افزار هستید؟


Becoming a software architect isn't something that simply happens overnight or with a promotion. It's a role , not a rank . It's an evolutionary process where you'll gradually gain the experience and confidence that you need to undertake the role.

5. Architecture collaboration: It's unusual for any software system to live in isolation and there are a number of people that need to understand it. This ranges from the immediate development team who need to understand and buy in to the architecture,  right through to other stakeholders who have an interest from a security, database, operations, maintenance, support, etc point of view 
ایا معمار نرم افزار هستید؟
ایجاد اپلیکیشن آنگولار با typescript
: The purpose of this article is to
Provide a working guidance on building AngularJS applications using TypeScript and powered by ASP.NET vNext backend
Experiment with building web applications using facilities provided by and mindset required by Visual Studio Code 
ایجاد اپلیکیشن آنگولار با typescript
Marten 1.0 منتشر شد

Marten is an open source library hosted on GitHub that makes the rock solid Postgresql database usable within .Net systems as a fully fledged document database. 

Marten 1.0 منتشر شد
سایت ++Modern C

Modern is a header-only library designed to provide Standard C++ developers with first-class access to the modern Windows API. 

سایت ++Modern C
ویژگی های جدید dotNET Core 2.1

Earlier this week, Microsoft published the roadmap for .NET Core 2.1, ASP.NET Core 2.1 and EF Core 2.1, expected to be out in the first quarter of 2018. The team also talked about several new features with this new release. This release is more of a feedback-oriented release based on .NET Core 2.0 release. The.NET Core 2.0 is a huge success and already more than half a million developers are now using .NET Core 2.0. All thanks to .NET Standard 2.0 release . In this post find out about the new features of .NET Core 2.1. 

ویژگی های جدید dotNET Core 2.1