بازخوردهای دوره
استفاده از StructureMap به عنوان یک IoC Container

من تا روز قبل هیچ مشکلی دراستفاده از StructureMap نداشتم وازکار کردن باهاش لذت می‌بردم ولی با استفاده از  NuGet دیروز آخرین نسخه StructureMap رو از سایت گرفتم وموقع اجرای برنامه به محض اولین وهله سازی (uow) اشکال میگیره و پیغام Error in the application میده.... ولی اگه دستی و بدون استفاده ازStructureMap وهله سازی کنم کارها روی روال پیش میره.... Error Code =205 و توی سایت‌ها زیاد سرچ زدم ولی موارد قید شده راهگشای این مشکل نبود...درضمن توی Error Details  هم پیغام زیر رو نمایش میده : 

StructureMap Exception Code:  205
Missing requested Instance property "path" for InstanceKey "fcfc9943-37d0-45d3-aebc-dad30fe29e59"

که اگه ConnectionString من مشکل داره پس چرا بدون استفاده از StructureMap اون وهله سازی میکنه؟

و کدهای ایجاد و وهله سازی : 

            ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
            var _uow = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IUnitOfWorkCentralSystem>();
پیشاپیش ممنون از همکاری شما.

رهانش EF Core 8 Preview 4: Primitive collections and improved Contains

The fourth preview of Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 8 is available on NuGet today!

Basic information

EF Core 8, or just EF8, is the successor to EF Core 7, and is scheduled for release in November 2023, at the same time as .NET 8.

EF8 previews currently target .NET 6, and can therefore be used with either .NET 6 (LTS) or .NET 7. This will likely be updated to .NET 8 as we near release.

EF8 will align with .NET 8 as a long-term support (LTS) release. See the .NET support policy for more information. 

رهانش  EF Core 8 Preview 4: Primitive collections and improved Contains
معرفی C#/WinRT Version 1.0

Today is the official GA release for .NET 5, and along with it we are excited to share the latest updates with our recent release of C#/WinRT version 1.0. C#/WinRT provides WinRT projection support for .NET 5 based apps. The Windows SDK leverages this technology and is now integrated with the .NET 5.0 SDK to expose Windows APIs through the new Target Framework Monikers. In addition to the Windows SDK support added for .NET 5, C#/WinRT itself allows component authors to build their own .NET 5 projections using the CsWinRT NuGet package.  

معرفی C#/WinRT Version 1.0
6.Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبا آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (16.7.5) حدود 1.47G میشه.
6.Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 منتشر شد
مقایسه‌ای بین Xamarin.Forms و MAUI

Xamarin.Forms vs MAUI

Xamarin.Forms MAUI

Android API 19+ API 21+
iOS 9-14 10+
Linux Community Community
macOS Community Microsoft
Tizen Samsung Samsung
Windows UWP Microsoft
WPF Community

Renderers Tightly coupled to BindableObject Loosely coupled, no Core dependencies
App Models MVVM, RxUI MVVM, RxUI, MVU, Blazor
Single Project No Yes
Multi-targeting No Yes
Multi-window No Yes

.NET Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Mono, .NET Framework, ... .NET 6+
Acquisition NuGet & Visual Studio Installer dotnet
Project System Franken-proj SDK Style
dotnet CLI No Yes

Visual Studio 2019 Yes Yes
Visual Studio 2019 for Mac Yes Yes
Visual Studio Code No Yes
مقایسه‌ای بین Xamarin.Forms و MAUI
WebWindow؛ جایگزین الکترون برای برنامه‌های NET Core.

My last post investigated ways to build a .NET Core desktop/console app with a web-rendered UI without bringing in the full weight of Electron. This seems to have interested a lot of people, so I decided to upgrade it to newer technologies and add cross-platform support.

The result is a little NuGet package called WebWindow that you can add to any .NET Core console app. It can open a native OS window (Windows/Mac/Linux) containing web-based UI, without your app having to bundle either Node or Chromium. 

WebWindow؛ جایگزین الکترون برای برنامه‌های NET Core.
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!

Did you know that DotVVM can be used to incrementally modernize old ASP.NET Web Forms applications and lift them to .NET Core? It is much easier than doing a full rewrite, and the application can be deployed at any time during the entire process.

  • Install DotVVM NuGet package in your Web Forms site
  • Create a DotVVM master page using the same CSS
  • Start converting ASPX pages to DotHTML syntax, one at a time
  • When all the Web Forms pages are gone, change your CSPROJ to use .NET Core 
با DotVVM، برنامه‌های ASP.NET Web Forms خود را بر فراز NET Core. اجرا کنید!
اضافه شدن قابلیت Package Registry به Github

Today, we’re excited to introduce GitHub Package Registry, a package management service that makes it easy to publish public or private packages next to your source code.

GitHub Package Registry is fully integrated with GitHub, so you can use the same search, browsing, and management tools to find and publish packages as you do for your repositories. You can also use the same user and team permissions to manage code and packages together. GitHub Package Registry provides fast, reliable downloads backed by GitHub’s global CDN. And it supports familiar package management tools: JavaScript (npm), Java (Maven), Ruby (RubyGems), .NET (NuGet), and Docker images, with more to come.

اضافه شدن قابلیت Package Registry به Github