Marten 3.0 منتشر شد

Marten 3.0 is live on Nuget. It didn’t turn out to be a huge release, but we needed to accommodate the Npgsql 4.* dependency and I felt like that was a breaking change, so here we go.  

Marten 3.0 منتشر شد
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
With the start of a new season of Game of Thrones, folks are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what’s coming. Unlike the Khaleesi who seems to be going nowhere fast, Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) has made some moves recently. Over the last month, we released Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio, joined the vibrant open source community on GitHub , and created VM images so anyone can quickly get started with NTVS.
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
کتابخانه fontfaceonload

A simple utility to execute a callback when a webfont loads.  Demo

This uses the CSS Font Loading Module when available (currently in Chrome 35+ and Opera 22+). When that isn’t available, it uses a very similar approach to the one used in the TypeKit Web Font Loader (which is currently 7.1KB GZIP).

Basically, it creates an element with a font stack including the web font and a default serif/sans-serif typeface. It then uses a test string and measures the dimensions of the element at a certain interval. When the dimensions are different than the default fallback fonts, the font is considered to have loaded successfully.

If you’d like a full polyfill for the CSS Font Loading Module, follow along with Bram Stein’s Font Loader. I believe the specification has changed since he launched this polyfill, but he’s working on an updated version. 

کتابخانه fontfaceonload
تقویم شمسی AngularJS

A clean, flexible, and fully customizable persian date picker. User can navigate through months and years. The datepicker shows dates that come from other than the main month being displayed. These other dates are also selectable.

تقویم شمسی AngularJS
کتاب رایگان jQuery Trickshots
In this book, you will find 100 advanced jQuery techniques that we have developed over the years as JavaScript programmers and authors for Tutorialzine, presented as easy to understand tips.
کتاب رایگان jQuery Trickshots
نکات افزایش پرفرمنس برای وبسایت

In this post, I'll talk about what the different things I've made on this website to improve the performance. Some of the optimizations are just some configuration flags to turn on, others require more changes in your code.

  • Enable HTTP/2
  • Enable TLS 1.3
  • Compress responses using Brotli or gzip
  • Add caching information
  • Optimize JavaScript / CSS files
  • Reduce the number of redirections
  • Optimize images
  • Move your servers near your visitors (GeoDNS, CDN)
  • Resource Hints: Prefetch resources
  • Remove unused resources / features
  • Minify HTML
  • Optimize JavaScript code
  • Automate almost everything! 
نکات افزایش پرفرمنس برای وبسایت
Asp.net Core Tag Helper برای Bootstrap

The ASP.NET Core tag helpers improve on the HTML templated helpers in ASP.NET MVC 5. ASP.NET Core comes with some useful stock tag helpers for common tasks such as creating custom elements or extending existing HTML elements, but their use can be extended to making a framework such as Bootstrap easier to work with. Dino shows how helpers are used, and demonstrates a Bootstrap Modal Tag Helper 

Asp.net Core Tag Helper برای Bootstrap