Entity Framework Core 3.0 RC1 منتشر شد

Here are a couple of the most relevant improvements you may want to verify:

  • Work on the EF Core in-memory provider was finished and most query features should now be working (the majority of it went into RC1)
  • EF Core’s compilation performance was improved significantly for complex queries 
Entity Framework Core 3.0 RC1 منتشر شد
بررسی تغییرات Entity Framework Core 2.1 Preview 2

the major features we have planned for the 2.1 release: GroupBy translation, lazy loading, parameters in entity constructors, value conversion, query types, data seeding, System.Transactions support, among others. 

بررسی تغییرات Entity Framework Core 2.1 Preview 2
Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد

Earlier today we finalized and published the next major release of Humanizer. This version includes many fixes and new features, many of them coming directly from the community. 

Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد
روشی برای تبدیل برنامه‌های React به PWA

You’ve built a React web app and would love to bring it to iOS and Android. That means you have to learn React Native first, right? As it turns out, there’s an easier way to deploy to mobile. With Capacitor, a new native runtime for web apps, you can deploy any React-based web app as a PWA, iOS, or Android app - all from the same codebase. 

روشی برای تبدیل برنامه‌های React به PWA
کتابخانه togetherjs
TogetherJS is a service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
Using TogetherJS two people can interact on the same page, seeing each other's cursors, edits, and browsing a site together. The TogetherJS service is included by the web site owner, and a web site can customize and configure aspects of TogetherJS's behavior on the site.  Demo
کتابخانه togetherjs
لیست جلسات کنفرانس NET Fringe 2015.

".NET Fringe is a new conference focused on .NET developers who are breaking the rules and pushing the boundaries. The .NET platform is more interesting today than it ever has been! The old Microsoft that was at odds with Open Source has been replaced with on

لیست جلسات کنفرانس NET Fringe 2015.
دوره 2 ساعته سی‌شارپ برای مبتدی‌ها

C# for Beginners | Full 2-hour course - YouTube

00:00:00 – Start
00:00:09 – What is C#
00:01:27 – C#: Hello World
00:06:01 – C#: The Basics of Strings
00:14:35 – C#: Searching Strings
00:17:27 – C#: Numbers and Integer Math
00:22:04 – C#: Numbers and Integer Precision
00:27:32 – C#: Numbers and Decimals
00:33:10 – C#: Branches (if)
00:44:29 – C#: “Hello World” Explained
00:50:29 – C#: What are Loops?
00:57:42 – C#: Combining Branches and Loops
01:04:34 – C#: Arrays, List, and Collections
01:15:09 – C#: Sort, Search, and Index Lists
01:22:08 – C#: Lists of Other Types
01:29:51 – C#: Debugging
01:34:30 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Objects and Classes
01:47:20 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Methods and Members
01:56:02 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Methods and Exceptions
02:03:00 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Catching Exceptions 

دوره 2 ساعته سی‌شارپ برای مبتدی‌ها
سری آموزش مقدماتی Git و GitHub

Git and GitHub Tutorials for Beginners!

#1 - What is Git and GitHub?
#2 - Creating Repositories and Commits
#3 - What are Git Branches?
#4 - Creating Forks and Pull Requests
#5 - Understanding GitHub Issues
#6 - Installing Git and Cloning our Repository
#7 - Staging Changes and Making you First Commit!

سری آموزش مقدماتی Git و GitHub
شروع کار با Docker

Almost overnight, Docker has become the de facto standard that developers and system administrators use for packaging, deploying, and running distributed applications. It provides tools for simplifying DevOps by enabling developers to create templates called images that can be used to create lightweight virtual machines called containers, which include their applications and all of their applications’ dependencies.  

شروع کار با Docker
آنگولار متریال 1 منتشر شد

What makes 1.0 different from our pre-release builds?

  • Stable CSS and API surface.We're now confident in the API for these components and do not plan any breaking changes.
  • Supported platforms: Tested on IE 11+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Android 4.2+ and iOS 8+.
  • Angular 1.5-ready. You can use AngularJS 1.3 and later, but as soon as you update to the new release, you can be confident that ngMaterial components will continue to work as expected. 
آنگولار متریال 1 منتشر شد