وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت دوم
Finalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in little bits over the internet. In this series I’m going to try to get everything in one place; here are a bunch of things that many people believe about finalizers, all of which are wrong.
وقتی هرچی که میدونی اشتباهه - قسمت دوم
نمایش لیست کشورها به همراه پرچم آنها به صورت dropdown با استفاده از select2
بعد از دانلود و افزودن  select2 ، برای پرچم‌ها سراغ semantic-ui  می‌رویم و بعد از دانلود آن، فایل flag.min.css در آدرس Semantic-Ui/components/flag.min.css را به پروژه اضافه می‌کنیم.
        <select ></select>

 $(document).ready(function () {

                data: [
                    { id: "al", text: "Albania" },
                    { id: "dz", text: "Algeria" },
                    { id: "as", text: "American Samoa" },
                    { id: "ad", text: "Andorra" },
                    { id: "ao", text: "Angola" },
                    { id: "ai", text: "Anguilla" },
                    { id: "ag", text: "Antigua" },
                    { id: "ar", text: "Argentina" },
                    { id: "am", text: "Armenia" },
                    { id: "aw", text: "Aruba" },
                    { id: "au", text: "Australia" },
                    { id: "at", text: "Austria" },
                    { id: "az", text: "Azerbaijan" },
                    { id: "bs", text: "Bahamas" },
                    { id: "bh", text: "Bahrain" },
                    { id: "bd", text: "Bangladesh" },
                    { id: "bb", text: "Barbados" },
                    { id: "by", text: "Belarus" },
                    { id: "be", text: "Belgium" },
                    { id: "bz", text: "Belize" },
                    { id: "bj", text: "Benin" },
                    { id: "bm", text: "Bermuda" },
                    { id: "bt", text: "Bhutan" },
                    { id: "bo", text: "Bolivia" },
                    { id: "ba", text: "Bosnia" },
                    { id: "bw", text: "Botswana" },
                    { id: "bv", text: "Bouvet Island" },
                    { id: "br", text: "Brazil" },
                    { id: "vg", text: "British Virgin Islands" },
                    { id: "bn", text: "Brunei" },
                    { id: "bg", text: "Bulgaria" },
                    { id: "bf", text: "Burkina Faso" },
                    { id: "mm", text: "Burma" },
                    { id: "bi", text: "Burundi" },
                    { id: "tc", text: "Caicos Islands" },
                    { id: "kh", text: "Cambodia" },
                    { id: "cm", text: "Cameroon" },
                    { id: "ca", text: "Canada" },
                    { id: "cv", text: "Cape Verde" },
                    { id: "ky", text: "Cayman Islands" },
                    { id: "cf", text: "Central African Republic" },
                    { id: "td", text: "Chad" },
                    { id: "cl", text: "Chile" },
                    { id: "cn", text: "China" },
                    { id: "cx", text: "Christmas Island" },
                    { id: "cc", text: "Cocos Islands" },
                    { id: "co", text: "Colombia" },
                    { id: "km", text: "Comoros" },
                    { id: "cg", text: "Congo Brazzaville" },
                    { id: "cd", text: "Congo" },
                    { id: "ck", text: "Cook Islands" },
                    { id: "cr", text: "Costa Rica" },
                    { id: "ci", text: "Cote Divoire" },
                    { id: "hr", text: "Croatia" },
                    { id: "cu", text: "Cuba" },
                    { id: "cy", text: "Cyprus" },
                    { id: "cz", text: "Czech Republic" },
                    { id: "dk", text: "Denmark" },
                    { id: "dj", text: "Djibouti" },
                    { id: "dm", text: "Dominica" },
                    { id: "do", text: "Dominican Republic" },
                    { id: "ec", text: "Ecuador" },
                    { id: "eg", text: "Egypt" },
                    { id: "sv", text: "El Salvador" },
                    { id: "gb", text: "England" },
                    { id: "gq", text: "Equatorial Guinea" },
                    { id: "er", text: "Eritrea" },
                    { id: "ee", text: "Estonia" },
                    { id: "et", text: "Ethiopia" },
                    { id: "eu", text: "European Union" },
                    { id: "fk", text: "Falkland Islands" },
                    { id: "fo", text: "Faroe Islands" },
                    { id: "fj", text: "Fiji" },
                    { id: "fi", text: "Finland" },
                    { id: "fr", text: "France" },
                    { id: "gf", text: "French Guiana" },
                    { id: "pf", text: "French Polynesia" },
                    { id: "tf", text: "French Territories" },
                    { id: "ga", text: "Gabon" },
                    { id: "gm", text: "Gambia" },
                    { id: "ge", text: "Georgia" },
                    { id: "de", text: "Germany" },
                    { id: "gh", text: "Ghana" },
                    { id: "gi", text: "Gibraltar" },
                    { id: "gr", text: "Greece" },
                    { id: "gl", text: "Greenland" },
                    { id: "gd", text: "Grenada" },
                    { id: "gp", text: "Guadeloupe" },
                    { id: "gu", text: "Guam" },
                    { id: "gt", text: "Guatemala" },
                    { id: "gw", text: "Guinea-Bissau" },
                    { id: "gn", text: "Guinea" },
                    { id: "gy", text: "Guyana" },
                    { id: "ht", text: "Haiti" },
                    { id: "hm", text: "Heard Island" },
                    { id: "hn", text: "Honduras" },
                    { id: "hk", text: "Hong Kong" },
                    { id: "hu", text: "Hungary" },
                    { id: "is", text: "Iceland" },
                    { id: "in", text: "India" },
                    { id: "io", text: "Indian Ocean Territory" },
                    { id: "id", text: "Indonesia" },
                    { id: "ir", text: "Iran" },
                    { id: "iq", text: "Iraq" },
                    { id: "ie", text: "Ireland" },
                    { id: "il", text: "Israel" },
                    { id: "it", text: "Italy" },
                    { id: "jm", text: "Jamaica" },
                    { id: "jp", text: "Japan" },
                    { id: "jo", text: "Jordan" },
                    { id: "kz", text: "Kazakhstan" },
                    { id: "ke", text: "Kenya" },
                    { id: "ki", text: "Kiribati" },
                    { id: "kw", text: "Kuwait" },
                    { id: "kg", text: "Kyrgyzstan" },
                    { id: "la", text: "Laos" },
                    { id: "lv", text: "Latvia" },
                    { id: "lb", text: "Lebanon" },
                    { id: "ls", text: "Lesotho" },
                    { id: "lr", text: "Liberia" },
                    { id: "ly", text: "Libya" },
                    { id: "li", text: "Liechtenstein" },
                    { id: "lt", text: "Lithuania" },
                    { id: "lu", text: "Luxembourg" },
                    { id: "mo", text: "Macau" },
                    { id: "mk", text: "Macedonia" },
                    { id: "mg", text: "Madagascar" },
                    { id: "mw", text: "Malawi" },
                    { id: "my", text: "Malaysia" },
                    { id: "mv", text: "Maldives" },
                    { id: "ml", text: "Mali" },
                    { id: "mt", text: "Malta" },
                    { id: "mh", text: "Marshall Islands" },
                    { id: "mq", text: "Martinique" },
                    { id: "mr", text: "Mauritania" },
                    { id: "mu", text: "Mauritius" },
                    { id: "yt", text: "Mayotte" },
                    { id: "mx", text: "Mexico" },
                    { id: "fm", text: "Micronesia" },
                    { id: "md", text: "Moldova" },
                    { id: "mc", text: "Monaco" },
                    { id: "mn", text: "Mongolia" },
                    { id: "me", text: "Montenegro" },
                    { id: "ms", text: "Montserrat" },
                    { id: "ma", text: "Morocco" },
                    { id: "mz", text: "Mozambique" },
                    { id: "na", text: "Namibia" },
                    { id: "nr", text: "Nauru" },
                    { id: "np", text: "Nepal" },
                    { id: "an", text: "Netherlands Antilles" },
                    { id: "nl", text: "Netherlands" },
                    { id: "nc", text: "New Caledonia" },
                    { id: "pg", text: "New Guinea" },
                    { id: "nz", text: "New Zealand" },
                    { id: "ni", text: "Nicaragua" },
                    { id: "ne", text: "Niger" },
                    { id: "ng", text: "Nigeria" },
                    { id: "nu", text: "Niue" },
                    { id: "nf", text: "Norfolk Island" },
                    { id: "kp", text: "North Korea" },
                    { id: "mp", text: "Northern Mariana Islands" },
                    { id: "no", text: "Norway" },
                    { id: "om", text: "Oman" },
                    { id: "pk", text: "Pakistan" },
                    { id: "pw", text: "Palau" },
                    { id: "ps", text: "Palestine" },
                    { id: "pa", text: "Panama" },
                    { id: "py", text: "Paraguay" },
                    { id: "pe", text: "Peru" },
                    { id: "ph", text: "Philippines" },
                    { id: "pn", text: "Pitcairn Islands" },
                    { id: "pl", text: "Poland" },
                    { id: "pt", text: "Portugal" },
                    { id: "pr", text: "Puerto Rico" },
                    { id: "qa", text: "Qatar" },
                    { id: "re", text: "Reunion" },
                    { id: "ro", text: "Romania" },
                    { id: "ru", text: "Russia" },
                    { id: "rw", text: "Rwanda" },
                    { id: "sh", text: "Saint Helena" },
                    { id: "kn", text: "Saint Kitts and Nevis" },
                    { id: "lc", text: "Saint Lucia" },
                    { id: "pm", text: "Saint Pierre" },
                    { id: "vc", text: "Saint Vincent" },
                    { id: "ws", text: "Samoa" },
                    { id: "sm", text: "San Marino" },
                    { id: "gs", text: "Sandwich Islands" },
                    { id: "st", text: "Sao Tome" },
                    { id: "sa", text: "Saudi Arabia" },
                    { id: "sn", text: "Senegal" },
                    { id: "cs", text: "Serbia" },
                    { id: "rs", text: "Serbia" },
                    { id: "sc", text: "Seychelles" },
                    { id: "sl", text: "Sierra Leone" },
                    { id: "sg", text: "Singapore" },
                    { id: "sk", text: "Slovakia" },
                    { id: "si", text: "Slovenia" },
                    { id: "sb", text: "Solomon Islands" },
                    { id: "so", text: "Somalia" },
                    { id: "za", text: "South Africa" },
                    { id: "kr", text: "South Korea" },
                    { id: "es", text: "Spain" },
                    { id: "lk", text: "Sri Lanka" },
                    { id: "sd", text: "Sudan" },
                    { id: "sr", text: "Suriname" },
                    { id: "sj", text: "Svalbard" },
                    { id: "sz", text: "Swaziland" },
                    { id: "se", text: "Sweden" },
                    { id: "ch", text: "Switzerland" },
                    { id: "sy", text: "Syria" },
                    { id: "tw", text: "Taiwan" },
                    { id: "tj", text: "Tajikistan" },
                    { id: "tz", text: "Tanzania" },
                    { id: "th", text: "Thailand" },
                    { id: "tl", text: "Timorleste" },
                    { id: "tg", text: "Togo" },
                    { id: "tk", text: "Tokelau" },
                    { id: "to", text: "Tonga" },
                    { id: "tt", text: "Trinidad" },
                    { id: "tn", text: "Tunisia" },
                    { id: "tr", text: "Turkey" },
                    { id: "tm", text: "Turkmenistan" },
                    { id: "tv", text: "Tuvalu" },
                    { id: "ug", text: "Uganda" },
                    { id: "ua", text: "Ukraine" },
                    { id: "ae", text: "United Arab Emirates" },
                    { id: "us", text: "United States" },
                    { id: "uy", text: "Uruguay" },
                    { id: "um", text: "Us Minor Islands" },
                    { id: "vi", text: "Us Virgin Islands" },
                    { id: "uz", text: "Uzbekistan" },
                    { id: "vu", text: "Vanuatu" },
                    { id: "va", text: "Vatican City" },
                    { id: "ve", text: "Venezuela" },
                    { id: "vn", text: "Vietnam" },
                    { id: "wf", text: "Wallis and Futuna" },
                    { id: "eh", text: "Western Sahara" },
                    { id: "ye", text: "Yemen" },
                    { id: "zm", text: "Zambia" },
                    { id: "zw", text: "Zimbabwe" }
                placeholder: "کشور مورد نظرتان را انتخاب نمایید",
                language: "fa",
                theme: "bootstrap",
                dir: "rtl",
                tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
                multiple: false,
                templateSelection: format,
                escapeMarkup: function (m) { return m; }

در اینجا ما اطلاعات را به صورت دستی وارد کرده ایم. شما می‌توانید این اطلاعات را از سمت سرور دریافت نمایید.
در templateResult و templateSelection شما می‌توانید ساختار مورد نظرتان را پیاده سازی کنید. اولی در لیستی از dropdown به عنوان یک option و دومی وقتی که انتخاب می‌شود.
تابع fotmat به صورت زیر می‌باشد.
 function format(state) {
            var $state = $(
                '<span>' + state.text + ' <i class="' + state.id + ' flag"> ' +
            return $state;

لازم به ذکر است کلاس لازم برای ایجاد  پرچم کشوری مثل ایران با استفاده از Semantic-Ui به صورت زیر می‌باشد.
<i class="ir flag"></i>
و در نهایت خروجی آن به شکل زیر می‌باشد

نمایش لیست کشورها به همراه پرچم آنها به صورت dropdown با استفاده از select2
نظرات مطالب
امن سازی برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core توسط IdentityServer 4x - قسمت ششم - کار با User Claims
همه نکات رو بررسی کردم. البته موضوع اینکه من اومدم IdentityServer رو در کنار Asp.net Identity استفاده کردم و دیتای user  رو از جدول مربوطه میخونم و عملیات لاگین رو هم به شکل زیر انجام دادم . 
  if (ModelState.IsValid)
            // find user by username
            var user = await _signInManager.UserManager.FindByNameAsync(Input.Username);

            // validate username/password using ASP.NET Identity
            if (user != null && (await _signInManager.CheckPasswordSignInAsync(user, Input.Password, true)) == SignInResult.Success)
                await _events.RaiseAsync(new UserLoginSuccessEvent(user.UserName, user.Id, user.UserName, clientId: context?.Client.ClientId));

                // only set explicit expiration here if user chooses "remember me". 
                // otherwise we rely upon expiration configured in cookie middleware.
                AuthenticationProperties props = null;
                if (LoginOptions.AllowRememberLogin && Input.RememberLogin)
                    props = new AuthenticationProperties
                        IsPersistent = true,
                        ExpiresUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(LoginOptions.RememberMeLoginDuration)

                // issue authentication cookie with subject ID and username
                var isuser = new IdentityServerUser(user.Id)
                    DisplayName = user.UserName

                await HttpContext.SignInAsync(isuser, props);

                if (context != null)
                    if (context.IsNativeClient())
                        // The client is native, so this change in how to
                        // return the response is for better UX for the end user.
                        return this.LoadingPage(Input.ReturnUrl);

                    // we can trust model.ReturnUrl since GetAuthorizationContextAsync returned non-null
                    return Redirect(Input.ReturnUrl);

                // request for a local page
                if (Url.IsLocalUrl(Input.ReturnUrl))
                    return Redirect(Input.ReturnUrl);
                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.ReturnUrl))
                    return Redirect("~/");
                    // user might have clicked on a malicious link - should be logged
                    throw new Exception("invalid return URL");

            await _events.RaiseAsync(new UserLoginFailureEvent(Input.Username, "invalid credentials", clientId: context?.Client.ClientId));
            ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, LoginOptions.InvalidCredentialsErrorMessage);
ممکنه به خاطر این مورد باشه که sub رو تو claim ندارم.؟
مگر غیر اینکه با تعریف new IdentityResources.OpenId در IdentityResources و تنظیم AllowScope کلاینت به IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.OpenId خود IdentityServer الزاما SubjectId رو در claim به ما برگردونه؟
دوره‌ی GitHub Actions

A beginner-friendly, and free, course to help you take your first steps as a DevOps engineer is available as a series of YouTube videos. 

دوره‌ی GitHub Actions
روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ

Logging is a big part of software development for many years now. One can argue that a logging mechanism is a must-have part of any application or library. I would agree with that statement. Logging has a crucial part to play in a scenario where you can’t use interactive debugging (that is, attaching a debugger like Visual Studio). It allows us to investigate errors after the problem already happened. In some cases, like Production Debugging, logs might be the only information you have. 

روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ
تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8

Preview 3 of .NET 8 includes a new project templates to create an API with a TODO service instead of the weather forecast . Looking into the generated code of this template, there are a lot more changes going on such as a slim builder and using a JSON source generator which helps when using AOT to create native .NET binaries. This article looks into the changes coming. 

تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8
نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020

23,765 people from 137 countries took part in the recent State of JS survey and while there are some common criticisms of the project, the results are nonetheless interesting and we’ll be digging into some in forthcoming issues. Standouts include:

- Svelte took the top frontend framework crown from React for developer satisfaction.
- Testing Library jumped straight to #1 for testing libraries.
- More developers than ever are producing PWAs or using WebAssembly.
- 86% of respondents are using VS Code to work on their code.

نتایج نظرسنجی State of JS 2020