یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript

یک CMS تجاری بزرگ با قابلیت‌های زیر

A modular, service based web application model
Code generator to produce initial services / user interface code for an SQL table
T4 based code generation on server to reference script widgets with intellisense / compile time validation
T4 based code generation to provide compile time type safety and intellisense while calling AJAX services from script side.
An attribute based form definition system (prepare UI in server side with a simple C# class)
Automatic seamless data-binding through form definitions (form <-> entity <-> service).
Caching Helpers (Local / Distributed)
Automatic cache validation
Configuration System (storage medium independent. store settings in database, file, whatever...)
Simple Logging
Reporting (reports just provide data, has no dependency on rendering, similar to MVC)
Script bundling, minification (making use of Node / UglifyJS / CleanCSS) and content versioning (no more F5 / clear browser cache)
Micro ORM (also Dapper is integrated)
Customizable handlers for REST like services that work by reusing information in entity classes and do automatic validation.
Attribute based navigation menu
UI Localization (store localized texts in json files, embedded resource, database, in memory class, anywhere)
Data Localization (using an extension table mechanism helps to localize even data entered by users, like lookup tables)
Script widget system (inspired by jQueryUI but more suitable for C# code)
Client side and server side validation (based on jQuery validate plugin, but abstracts dependency)
Audit logging (where CDC is not available)
System for data based integration tests
Dynamic scripts
Script side templates 
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript
ارائه‌ی یک نگارش مستقل از Visual Basic.NET توسط RemObjects

Mercury is currently 99.9% compatible with Visual Basic.NET, and already adds a wide range of language extensions and support for C# 9.0 features that will make the VB developers lives easier. The extras include support for pointers and unsafe code, lazy properties, and C# 9's new records. 

ارائه‌ی یک نگارش مستقل از Visual Basic.NET توسط RemObjects
Type Script و Angular 2

Angular 2 is written in and all the samples and documentation are written in TypeScript.  Thus, TypeScript is my next language of choice.  This should be pretty straight forward, as the hard part is OOP, which we C# programmers are already comfortable with. 

Type Script  و Angular 2
کتابخانه Zepto.js

Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.

While 100% jQuery coverage is not a design goal, the APIs provided match their jQuery counterparts. The goal is to have a ~5-10k modular library that downloads and executes fast, with a familiar and versatile API, so you can concentrate on getting stuff done. 

npm install zepto

کتابخانه Zepto.js
بررسی تاثیر React بر روی جامعه‌ی توسعه دهندگان جاوااسکریپت

“I’ve written before about how React is the new default frontend framework, and how I don’t think most people using React on a regular basis realize quite how much it’s fallen behind.” High level thoughts about the React ‘bubble’ and some reasons to look beyond it, including a round up of some of the alternative options. 

بررسی تاثیر React بر روی جامعه‌ی توسعه دهندگان جاوااسکریپت
آسیب پذیری Ghost در لینوکس

The Linux GNU C Library (glibc) versions prior to 2.18 are vulnerable to remote code execution via a vulnerability in the gethostbyname function. 

آسیب پذیری Ghost در لینوکس
React چگونه کار میکند ؟

My goal here is to walk through my process of building react from the groundup, hopefully giving you an intuition to why things behave the way they do in react.

React چگونه کار میکند ؟
توسعه تطابق الگو با C#8

C# 7 introduced pattern matching with the extension of the switch statement and the is operator offering the const pattern, the type pattern, and the var pattern. With C# 8 an extension of pattern matching is planned, including the property pattern, the recursive pattern, and a new switch – the switch expression. 

توسعه تطابق الگو با C#8