کتابخانه‌های مطرح React در سال 2023

The React ecosystem is so large that it's helpful to be presented with some sound, standard options when selecting libraries for a new project. This is the latest annual update of an established list Robin maintains. 

کتابخانه‌های مطرح React در سال 2023
خلاصه برنامه‌های آتی NET Core.

We are actively monitoring the 1.0 release for issues to include in a first patch (1.0.1) release of the .NET Core SDK. There is no scheduled date for this patch update but early August is likely.  

خلاصه برنامه‌های آتی NET Core.
BuildXL موتور شتاب دهنده‌ی Build در تیم‌های درونی مایکروسافت

Build Accelerator, BuildXL for short, is a build engine originally developed for large internal teams at Microsoft, and owned by the Tools for Software Engineers team, part of the Microsoft One Engineering System internal engineering group. Internally at Microsoft, BuildXL runs 30,000+ builds per day on monorepo codebases up to a half-terabyte in size with a half-million process executions per build, using distribution to thousands of datacenter machines and petabytes of source code, package, and build output caching. Thousands of developers use BuildXL on their desktops for faster builds even on mega-sized codebases. 

BuildXL موتور شتاب دهنده‌ی Build در تیم‌های درونی مایکروسافت
حمله‌ی اوراکل به Postgres در روسیه

During the past few weeks, Oracle sent a letter to Russian partners and customers comparing Oracle favorably to Postgres as a way of cirumventing a new law favoring Russian-produced software. This is the first direct attack I have seen on Postgres, and is probably representative of the kinds of attacks we will see from other vendors and in other countries in the years to come.  

حمله‌ی اوراکل به Postgres در روسیه
طراحی Autocomplete Menu مانند IntelliSense ویژوال استودیو

برنده جایزه بهترین مقاله #C در آوریل 2012 کد پروجکت ...

We all use VisualStudio's autocomplete menu, aka IntelliSense. This is very useful, is not it? Unfortunately, .NET FW does not contain built-in component for autocomplete menu. The proposed control fills this gap.AutocompleteMenu allows you to easily embed a drop-down hints into any TextBox or RichTextBox on your form

طراحی Autocomplete Menu مانند IntelliSense ویژوال استودیو
نظرات مطالب
واژه‌های کلیدی جدید and، or و not در C# 9.0
معادل‌های string.IsNullOrEmpty در C# 9.0 جهت اطلاع و آشنایی با Syntax جدید؛ اگر جائی آن‌ها را دیدید!
using System;

namespace CS9Features
    public static class ModernizingACodebase
        public static void PropertyPatternToReplaceIsNullorEmpty1()
            string hello = null;

            // Old approach
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hello))
                Console.WriteLine($"{hello} has {hello.Length} letters.");

            // New approach, with a property pattern
            if (hello is { Length: > 0 })
                Console.WriteLine($"{hello} has {hello.Length} letters.");

        public static void PropertyPatternToReplaceIsNullorEmpty2()
            // For arrays
            var greetings = new string[2];
            greetings[0] = "Hello world";
            greetings = null;

            // Old approach
            if (greetings != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(greetings[0]))
                Console.WriteLine($"{greetings[0]} has {greetings[0].Length} letters.");

            // New approach
            if (greetings?[0] is { Length: > 0 } hi)
                Console.WriteLine($"{hi} has {hi.Length} letters.");
برای مطالعه‌ی بیشتر
بررسی عمیق بهبودهای کارآیی در NET 9.

Performance Improvements in .NET 9

Each year, summer arrives to find me daunted and excited to write about the performance improvements in the upcoming release of .NET. “Daunted,” because these posts, covering .NET 8, .NET 7, .NET 6, .NET 5, .NET Core 3.0, .NET Core 2.1, and .NET Core 2.0, have garnered a bit of a reputation I want to ensure the next iteration lives up to. And “excited,” because there’s such an abundance of material to cover due to just how much goodness has been packed into the next .NET release, I struggle to get it all written down as quickly as my thoughts whirl.

بررسی عمیق بهبودهای کارآیی در NET 9.
استفاده مایکروسافت ازElasticSearch در TFS Code-Search

Starting from Team Foundation Server 2017, the Code Search feature that was available for a while in VSTS, gets an on-premise equivalent.
The feature is built on top of a customized version of ElasticSearch. However the integration between the 2 products(TFS and ElasticSearch) is rather limited right now.

استفاده مایکروسافت ازElasticSearch در TFS Code-Search
مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE

ASPNET Core has a lot of changes compared with the others versions of ASP.NET. One change I want to highlight is the new way to configure settings. With previous versions, this configuration was made by using the common file web.config, but this file simply doesn’t exist anymore in ASP.NET Core. Instead, a new easy way to declare and access to the settings is provided. Let’s take a look. 

مدل پیکره بندی جدید در ASP.NET CORE