تشخیص تغییرات در Angular2

The basic task of change detection is to take the internal state of a program and make it somehow visible to the user interface. This state can be any kind of objects, arrays, primitives, … just any kind of JavaScript data structures. 

تشخیص تغییرات در Angular2
کتابخانه Scroll to Style

scrollToStyle is a versatile tool that lets you manage CSS properties of elements using the page scroll.
You will be able to compel the elements move, change their size, color, opacity, background and many other properties.


  • Management absolutely all the properties of a numeric value
  • Browser Support depends only on selected properties
  • It manages multiple properties of the same element
  • Management fractional property values and control the number of decimal places
  • Fixing of the screen during an animation
  • Animation range control 
کتابخانه Scroll to Style
مروری بر ویژگی Expression-Bodied Function Members

In the last post, I looked at auto-property enhancements, with several comments pointing out some nicer usages. I recently went through the HtmlTags codebase, C# 6-ifying “all the things”, and auto property and expression bodied function members were used pretty much everywhere. This is a large result of the codebase being quite tightly defined, with small objects and methods doing one thing well. 

مروری بر ویژگی Expression-Bodied Function Members
کلاس های Mixin در Typescript 2.2

A mixin class is a class that implements a distinct aspect of functionality. Other classes can then include the mixin and access its methods and properties. That way, mixins provide a form of code reuse that is based on composing behavior. 

کلاس های Mixin در Typescript 2.2
نظرات مطالب
مروری بر کاربردهای Action و Func - قسمت اول
فکر نمی‌کنم به خاطر دات نت 1 باشه. دلیلی فراتر از این وجود داره. با کمی جستجو، این لینک که بر اساس VS 2010 نوشته شده، در پاراگراف آخر دلیل منطقی‌تری رو ارائه میده. در مورد WebGrid که فرمودید، بحثش جداست. من از کامپوننت‌های متن باز Telerik در بستر ASP.NET MVC استفاده می‌کنم و از انعطاف پذیری Action و Func در متدهای اون لذت می‌برم. حرف من در مورد تعریف واجب استفاده از Predefined Delegates به جای اینترفیس‌های تک متدی است.

One good example of using a single-method interface instead of a delegate is IComparable or the generic version, IComparable<T>. IComparable declares the CompareTo method, which returns an integer that specifies a less than, equal to, or greater than relationship between two objects of the same type. IComparable can be used as the basis of a sort algorithm. Although using a delegate comparison method as the basis of a sort algorithm would be valid, it is not ideal. Because the ability to compare belongs to the class and the comparison algorithm does not change at run time, a single-method interface is ideal. 
نگارش نهایی NET Core 3.0. منتشر شد

We’re excited to announce the release of .NET Core 3.0. It includes many improvements, including adding Windows Forms and WPF, adding new JSON APIs, support for ARM64 and improving performance across the board. C# 8 is also part of this release, which includes nullable, async streams, and more patterns. F# 4.7 is included, and focused on relaxing syntax and targeting .NET Standard 2.0. You can start updating existing projects to target .NET Core 3.0 today. The release is compatible with previous versions, making updating easy. 

نگارش نهایی NET Core 3.0. منتشر شد
تفاوت اعتبارسنجی ورودی ها با اعتبارسنجی مرتبط با قواعد تجاری

Input Validation for me is about validating the user input. Some people call "Name must not be empty" a business rule, I think about it as input validation. Business Rules validation is more complex, because a business rule for me is not "Name must not be empty", it is a definition of a state in the system that requires an action. Here is a definition of a business rule:

An order should be payed within 30 days, this duration can be extended, to a maximum of three times. 

تفاوت اعتبارسنجی ورودی ها با اعتبارسنجی مرتبط با قواعد تجاری
نظرات مطالب
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قسمت آخر از سری مجموعه Concurrency و Asynchrony

Cancellation Token in C# - Part 7
در آخرین قسمت از این سری ویدیو‌ها در مورد کنسلیشن توکن صحبت کردیم و چرایی وجودش و اینکه این توکن رو چه کسی درست میکنه کی درست میکنه چطور مدیریت میکنه.

05:10 Scenario without cancellation token
13:40 What is the cancellation token source
14:53 Demo
18:00 Cancellation Exception
19:10 Review Code of Task Class
21:09 Demo on Asp dotnet core

مدت ویدیو : 27 دقیقه 

قسمت آخر از سری مجموعه Concurrency و Asynchrony