TypeScript 4.3 منتشر شد

Separate Write Types on Properties
override and the --noImplicitOverride Flag
Template String Type Improvements
ECMAScript #private Class Elements
ConstructorParameters Works on Abstract Classes
Contextual Narrowing for Generics
Always-Truthy Promise Checks
static Index Signatures
.tsbuildinfo Size Improvements
Lazier Calculations in --incremental and --watch Compilations
Import Statement Completions
Editor Support for @link Tags
Go-to-Definition on Non-JavaScript File Paths
Breaking Changes
What’s Next? 

TypeScript 4.3 منتشر شد
ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
این ده مقاله به شرح زیر می‌باشند:

10) Practical .NET: Powerful JavaScript With Upshot and Knockout
The Microsoft JavaScript Upshot library provides a simplified API for retrieving data from the server and caching it at the client for reuse. Coupled with Knockout, the two JavaScript libraries form the pillars of the Microsoft client-side programming model.

9) On VB: Database Synchronization with the Microsoft Sync Framework
The Microsoft Sync Framework is a highly flexible framework for synchronizing files and data between a client and a master data store. With great flexibility often comes complexity and confusion, however.

8) C# Corner: Performance Tips for Asynchronous Development in C#
Visual Studio Async is a powerful development framework, but it's important to understand how it works to avoid performance hits.

7) 2 Great JavaScript Data-Binding Libraries
JavaScript libraries help you build powerful, data-driven HTML5 apps.

6) On VB: Entity Framework Code-First Migrations
Code First Migrations allow for database changes to be implemented all through code. Through the use of Package Manager Console (PMC), commands can be used to scaffold database changes.

5) C# Corner: The New Read-Only Collections in .NET 4.5
Some practical uses for the long-awaited interfaces, IReadOnlyList and IReadOnlyDictionary, in .NET Framework 4.5.

4) C# Corner: Building a Windows 8 RSS Reader
Eric Vogel walks through a soup-to-nuts demo for building a Metro-style RSS reader.

3) C# Corner: The Build Pattern in .NET
How to separate complex object construction from its representation using the Builder design pattern in C#.

2) Inside Visual Studio 11: A Guided Tour
Visual Studio 2012 (code-named Visual Studio 11 then) is packed with new features to help you be a more efficient, productive developer. Here's your guided tour.

1) HTML5 for ASP.NET Developers
The technologies bundled as HTML5 finally support what developers have been trying to get HTML to do for decades.


ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
منبع کدهای MS-DOS در گیت هاب

In March 2014, Microsoft released the source code to MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 via the Computer History Museum. The announcement also contains a brief history of how MS-DOS came to be for those new to the subject, and ends with many links to related articles and resources for those interested in learning more.

Today, we're re-open-sourcing MS-DOS on GitHub. Why? Because it's much easier to find, read, and refer to MS-DOS source files if they're in a GitHub repo than in the original downloadable compressed archive file. 

منبع کدهای MS-DOS در گیت هاب
مصاحبه با خالق ++C

مطالبی که در این ویدئو به آن پرداخته میشود :

What is the keynote about?
How do we write modern C++ code?
Guideline support library and Static analysis
Call to action for the C++ community!
Enhancing productivity by eliminating whole classes of bugs
Extending the C++ core guidelines
What do you expect from these static analysis checkers?
How can I get started?
مصاحبه با خالق ++C
نگارش نهایی EF Core 3.0 و EF 6.3 منتشر شد

We are extremely excited to announce the general availability of EF Core 3.0and EF 6.3 on  nuget.org . 

What’s new in EF Core 3.0

Including major features, minor enhancements, and bug fixes, EF Core 3.0 contains more than 600 product improvements. Here are some of the most important ones:

  •  LINQ overhaul
  •  Restricted client evaluation
  •  Single SQL statement per LINQ query
  •  Cosmos DB support
  •  C# 8.0 support (Asynchronous streams, Nullable reference types)
  •  Interception of database operations
  •  Reverse engineering of database views
  •  Dependent entities sharing a table with principal are now optional
نگارش نهایی EF Core 3.0 و EF 6.3 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #1
با سلام و خسته نباشید. امید است این سری مطالب هم مانند مطالب MVC فراتر از مقالات و کتب موجود باشد.
سه سوال:
1- چطور می توان با Code First برخی از موارد ابتدایی ایجاد بانک مانند Collation و Compatibility Level و Schema و User و Role را به DBMS ارسال کرد.
2- اگر از پروایدرهای دیگر مثلا برای MySQL یا Oracle استفاده شود، آیا Code First قادر است بدون هیچ تغییری نسبت به SQL Server کد را به بانکهای دیگر نگاشت کند؟ در مورد بانک های NOSQL چطور؟
3- آیا اگر این پروژه Code First را در یک هاست اشتراکی Deploy کنیم و در آن هاست برنامه Start شود (مثلا یک پروژه MVC)، آیا پروژه قادر خواهد بود به طور خودکار بانک را تولید نماید و دیگر نخواهیم بصورت دستی بانک و یوزر را در کنترل پنل هاست تعریف کنیم.
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #1
وقتی سعی می‌کنم که از دستور زیر استفاده کنم با خطای زیر روبه رو می‌شوم.PM> Install-Package EntityFramework
Install-Package : Could not connect to the feed specified at 'https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/'. Please verify that the package source 
(located in the Package Manager Settings) is valid and ensure your network connectivity.
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package EntityFramework
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
راه حل چیست؟
Rider 2018.3 منتشر شد

Rider 2018.3 comes with Code Vision, Rename Project refactoring, and the Assembly Explorer window. It provides support for remote debugging via SSH, Launch Settings and SQL language injections in C# code. This release improves C#, VB.NET, F#, TypeScript language support, and Angular framework support. 

Rider 2018.3 منتشر شد
DataMasker پروژه‌ای برای درهم سازی خروجی اطلاعات Sql Server
A free data masking and/or anonymizer library for Sql Server written in .NET If you've ever needed to pull down databases from a live environment to stage or even dev you'll need to think about masking any personal information. There are options out there paid and free, however the free ones I've found do not provide genuine data and the paid options are too pricey when it's only a few tables.
DataMasker پروژه‌ای برای درهم سازی خروجی اطلاعات Sql Server