Entity Framework 6.2 منتشر شد

- Reduce start up time by loading finished code first models from a persistent cache
- Fluent API to define indexes
- DbFunctions.Like() to enable writing LINQ queries that translate to LIKE in SQL
- Migrate.exe should support -script option
- EF6 does not work with primary key from sequence
- Update error numbers for SQL Azure Execution Strategy
- Bug: Retrying queries or SQL commands fails with “The SqlParameter is already contained by another SqlParameterCollection”
- Bug: Evaluation of DbQuery.ToString() frequently times out in the debugger

Entity Framework 6.2 منتشر شد
نگاهی به مشخصات SQL Server 2019

SQL Server 2019 is designed to solve challenges of the modern data professional including:

  • Store enterprise data in a data lake and offer SQL and Spark query capability overall data
  • Reduce the need for Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) applications by eliminating data movement
  • Integrate and secure machine learning applications with scalable performance
  • Reduce the need for application and query changes to gain a boost in performance
  • Increase confidential computing of data through hardware enclaves
  • Increase application and database uptime and availability through features like ADR (Advanced Database Recovery)
  • Extend the power of the T-SQL language in a secure and robust fashion
  • Run applications and deploy databases across multiple operating systems and platforms with compatibility
  • Reduce the risk of upgrades while using new SQL capabilities when you are ready though inbuilt database compatibility levels 
نگاهی به مشخصات SQL Server 2019
همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton

Singleton design pattern is one of the simplest design patterns: it involves only one class throughout the application which is responsible to instantiate itself, to make sure it creates not more than one instance; in the same time it provides a global point of access to that instance. In this case the same instance can be used from everywhere, being impossible to invoke directly the constructor each time. 

همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton
تصورات غلط در مورد دورکاری

Have you ever discussed remote work with someone who has never worked remotely? How did it go? If they were like most people, it probably didn’t go all that well. It can be difficult for people to understand how someone could work from home, be productive, and end up being a normal human being at the end of the day.  

تصورات غلط در مورد دورکاری
بازخوردهای دوره
معرفی پروژه NotifyPropertyWeaver
من امروز با این مطلب آشنا شدم و سعی در استفاده از آن داشتم ولی  بعد از مزین کردن کلاس به خصوصیت [ImpementPropertyChanged] با خطای زیر مواجه شدم :
ImplementPropertyChangedAttribute' is obsolete: 'This configuration option has been deprecated. The use of this attribute was to add INotifyPropertyChanged to a class with its associated event definition. After that all classes that implement INotifyPropertyChanged have their properties weaved, weather they have the ImplementPropertyChangedAttribute or not.
بعد از بررسی متوجه شدم که در بروز رسانی‌های جدید این بسته نیازی به قید این خصوصیت نیست.و پیاده سازی اینترفیس InotifyPropertyChanged برای استفاده از این بسته کفایت می‌کنه
از کند شدن Entity Framework دوری کنید
Generally speaking, I don't worry much about tweaking my LINQ queries when working with Entity Framework (this is also true when I'm working with SQL directly, by the way). I'm always telling my clients that if they want to speed up their data access they should look at their database design and, especially, how they're using indexes.
از کند شدن Entity Framework دوری کنید
پیاده سازی Domain-Driven Design با EF

The Intersection of Microservices, Domain-Driven Design and Entity Framework Core
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) provides much of the strategic design guidance that we can use to determine the boundaries around and interactions between Microservices in our solutions. DDD also follows up with tactical design patterns for your business logic. In this session we'll take a look at some of these patterns and how EF Core naturally, or with some additional configuration, persists the data that your microservices depend on. 

پیاده سازی Domain-Driven Design با EF
پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net

Nowadays, I am trying to learn different design patterns in object oriented paradigm that are pretty useful to implement generic solutions for different scenarios. Few weeks ago for a job hunt, I got an assignment to do which was a web application that would interact with database, so I took it up as a challenge and decided to make it loosely coupled using design patterns which were applicable in that scenario.

پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net