دات نت پایه، سی شارپ 8.0 و Nullable Reference Types

Here are some of the reasons why nullable reference types are less than ideal:

  • Invoking a member on a null value will issue a System.NullReferenceException exception, and every invocation that results in a System.NullReferenceException in production code is a bug. Unfortunately, however, with nullable reference types we “fall in” to doing the wrong thing rather than the right thing. The “fall in” action is to invoke a reference type without checking for null.
  • There’s an inconsistency between reference types and value types (following the introduction of Nullable<T>) in that value types are nullable when decorated with  “?” (for example, int? number); otherwise, they default to non-nullable. In contrast, reference types are nullable by default. This is “normal” to those of us who have been programming in C# for a long time, but if we could do it all over, we’d want the default for reference types to be non-nullable and the addition of a “?” to be an explicit way to allow nulls.
  • It’s not possible to run static flow analysis to check all paths regarding whether a value will be null before dereferencing it, or not. Consider, for example, if there were unmanaged code invocations, multi-threading, or null assignment/­replacement based on runtime conditions. (Not to mention whether analysis would include checking of all library APIs that are invoked.)
  • There’s no reasonable syntax to indicate that a reference type value of null is invalid for a particular declaration.
  • There’s no way to decorate parameters to not allow null. 
دات نت پایه، سی شارپ 8.0 و Nullable Reference Types
کتاب رایگان Go Succinctly

The Go programming language is relatively small and concise, but its depth makes it an ideal option for solving modern-day development problems. In Go Succinctly, author Mark Lewin guides readers through the basics of Go, and he provides documentation and resources that allow users to dive into the language and learn it for themselves. By the end of the book, novices and experienced programmers alike will be conversant in a language quickly gaining traction around the world.

Table of Contents
  1. Welcome
  2. Introducing Go
  3. Let’s Go!
  4. Variables, Constants, and Assignments
  5. Basic Data Types
  6. Control Structures
  7. Arrays, Slices, and Maps
  8. User-Defined Types
  9. Concurrency
  10. Standard Packages
  11. Go Further 
کتاب رایگان Go Succinctly
jQuery 3.4.0 منتشر شد

jQuery has a new release! It’s been a while since our last release, but we expect this to be the last minor release in the 3.x branch, and then we will move on to the overhaul that will be jQuery 4.0. But before we get to 4.0, we’re excited to share the bug fixes and improvements included in jQuery 3.4.0 

jQuery 3.4.0 منتشر شد
کتابخانه angular-checkboxes

If you are used to manipulate HTML forms, you probably know that each checkbox is a separate variable (or maybe an ngModel with AngularJS).  Demo

Sometimes, it could be usefull to manipulate all these checkboxes as a unique array.

angular.checkboxes module lets you turn your list of checkboxes into a unique destination array, providing :

  • two-way binding: manipulate the destination array will check/uncheck the checkboxes AND check/uncheck the checkboxes will modify the destination array.
  • no isolated scope for each checkbox: the directive does not create new child scope.
  • a mtCheckboxController: internal controller can be injected to other directives. 
کتابخانه angular-checkboxes
dnSpy : ابزاری برای Debug و تغییر در DLL های دات نت

dnSpy is a debugger and .NET assembly editor. You can use it to edit and debug assemblies even if you don't have any source code available.

Some Features 

  • Debug .NET Framework, .NET Core and Unity game assemblies, no source code required
  • Set breakpoints and step into any assembly
  • Locals, watch, autos windows 
  • All metadata can be edited
  • Edit methods and classes in C# or Visual Basic with IntelliSense, no source code required
  • Add new methods, classes or members in C# or Visual Basic
  • IL editor for low level IL method body editing 

dnSpy : ابزاری برای Debug و تغییر در DLL های دات نت
روش بازگشت به قالب‌های کلاسیک پروژه‌ها در دات نت 6
نگارش نهایی دات نت 6، حدود یک ماه دیگر منتشر می‌شود و اگر برای نمونه RC2 آن‌را نصب کرده باشید، با ایجاد یک پروژه‌ی کنسول جدید مبتنی بر آن ... شگفت زده خواهید شد!  شاید انتظار داشته باشید که با چنین فایلی مواجه شوید:
using System; 
namespace MyVerboseApp 
    public class Program 
        public static void Main(string[] args) 
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); 
اما یک چنین خروجی تولید می‌شود:
 // See https://aka.ms/new-console-template for more information
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
این مورد قابلیتی است که به همراه C# 9.0 به نام «Top Level Programs» ارائه شد و اکنون در تمام قالب‌های پیش‌فرض پروژه‌های مبتنی بر دات نت 6، استفاده شده‌است. این قالب شاید برای تازه‌کارها، جالب باشد و کم حجم و کم سطر، اما «ما آن‌را درخواست نداده بودیم!».

روش بازگشت به قالب‌های قبلی

در حال حاضر و در نگارش فعلی و حتی رسمی دات نت 6، روشی برای بازگشت به حالت قبلی وجود ندارد که به احتمال زیاد در نگارش‌های پس از RTM لحاظ خواهد شد (می‌توانید در اینجا ^ و ^ به آن رای دهید). تنها راه حل موجود، استفاده از دستور زیر است:
dotnet new console --framework net5.0 --target-framework-override net6.0
این دستور در اصل به این معنا است که پروژه‌ی من را بر اساس قالب پروژه‌های NET 5.0. تولید کن؛ اما در فایل csproj آن، بجای net5.0 از net6.0 به عنوان target framework استفاده شود:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
-    <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>
+    <TargetFramework>net6.0</TargetFramework>
در اینجا سطر net5.0 را حذف و با net6.0 جایگزین کنید.
NET Core 3.1. در آذرماه به پایان پشتیبانی خود می‌رسد
The long-term-support (LTS) version 3.1 of Microsoft .NET Core Framework is slated to go out of support on December 13th, 2022. Microsoft recommends upgrading .NET Core 3.1 applications to .NET 6.0 to stay supported for the future, while the developers have mixed feelings about the .NET support policy.
NET Core 3.1. در آذرماه به پایان پشتیبانی خود می‌رسد