JazSharp؛ یک فریم ورک unit testing مخصوص دات نت شبیه به Jasmine

JazSharp is a unit testing framework for .NET that works very similar to Jasmine:

  • Tests are defined using Describe and It

  • Method calls can be replaced with spies allowing you to truly isolate the code you are testing

  • Full set of Assets (known as Expects) including ToHaveBeenCalledWith, ToEqual and ToContain which perform recursive comparisons 

JazSharp؛ یک فریم ورک unit testing مخصوص دات نت شبیه به Jasmine
کتاب ASP.NET Core 2 مختصر و مفید

This year we published an update to the book. All code and explanation have been adapted and updated to cover version 2.2 of ASP.NET Core, and also we added features that were not available before like:

  • Health Checks
  • SPA templates
  • Razor Pages 

کتاب ASP.NET Core 2 مختصر و مفید
چرا باید به VNext Build سویچ کرد
Now that VNext builds are in Preview, you should be moving your build definitions over from the “old” XAML definitions to the new VNext definitions. Besides the fact that I suspect at some point that XAML builds will be deprecated, the VNext builds are just much better, in almost every respect.
چرا باید به VNext Build سویچ کرد
کتاب LINQ مختصر و مفید

Learn to use LINQ to simplify the process of coding and querying in C# and Visual Basic. LINQ Succinctly will guide you through the process, from conceptual understanding to practical implementation. With the help of author Jason Roberts, you will be streamlining your coding and querying practices in no time.

کتاب LINQ مختصر و مفید
دوره مقدماتی NET 7.

.NET 7 Beginner Course 🚀 Web API, Entity Framework 7 & SQL Server

Table of Contents:
00:00:00 .NET 7 Beginner Course 🚀 Web API, Entity Framework 7 & SQL Server
00:01:18 Tools (Visual Studio Code & .NET SDK)
00:02:48 Create a new Web API
00:11:34 First API Call
00:15:23 Git Repository & .gitignore File
00:19:07 Web API Introduction
00:19:42 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
00:22:03 New Models
00:26:17 New Controller & GET a New Character
00:36:35 First Steps with Attribute Routing
00:40:52 Routing with Parameters
00:43:34 HTTP Request Methods Explained
00:46:48 Add a New Character with POST
00:50:23 Best Practice: Web API Structure
00:53:42 Character Service
01:02:38 Fix the “Possible ArgumentNullException”
01:04:43 Asynchronous Calls
01:08:53 Proper Service Response with Generics
01:17:06 Data-Transfer-Objects (DTOs)
01:22:58 AutoMapper
01:35:30 Modify a Character with PUT
01:47:40 Modify a Character with AutoMapper
01:49:12 Delete a Character
01:54:15 Web API Summary
01:55:01 Entity Framework 7 Introduction
01:55:50 Object-Relational-Mapping & Code-First Migration Explained
01:57:42 Installing Entity Framework 7
02:00:48 Installing SQL Server Express (with Management Studio)
02:02:04 Implementing the DataContext
02:05:37 ConnectionString & Adding the DbContext
02:10:29 First Migration
02:14:49 GET Implementations 

دوره مقدماتی NET 7.
نظرات مطالب
ایجاد کپچایی (captcha) سریع و ساده در ASP.NET MVC 5

ممنون از شما. فقط یک نکته‌ی کوچک در مورد memory stream هست که بهتره درنظر گرفته بشه. در این شیء متدهای ToArray و GetBuffer یکی نیستند. متد GetBuffer حجمی نزدیک به 2 برابر آرایه اصلی رو عموما داره و انتهاش یک سری بایت‌های اضافی هم شاید باشند. اما ToArray اصل دیتا رو بر می‌گردونه.

Note that the buffer contains allocated bytes which might be unused. For example, if the string "test" is written into the MemoryStream object, the length of the buffer returned from GetBuffer is 256, not 4, with 252 bytes unused. To obtain only the data in the buffer, use the ToArray method; however, ToArray creates a copy of the data in memory.